Operation 'Cynthia' -- Was the Woman Who Threw a Shoe at Hillary Clinton a Hardcore Leftist?

Someone threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton yesterday during a speech.

After the shoe whizzed past, several feet away from Clinton, a blond woman raised her hands above her head and walked to the back of the room. Security quickly grabbed her and she’ll apparently face criminal charges.


The Wall Street Journal picks up an interesting bit from the moment: The shoe-thrower also threw something else.

An attendee later handed a reporter a piece of paper that was apparently also thrown by the woman. It appeared to be a copy of a Department of Defense document labeled confidential and dated August 1967; it referred to an operation “Cynthia” in Bolivia. There was a Bolivian army operation of that name in 1967 to capture revolutionary Che Guevara.

Global Security has a brief bit on Operation Cynthia.

The Samaipata raid on July 6 by Che’s men shocked the army into launching two offensives against the guerrillas. The first, “Operation Cynthia”, directed the Fourth Army Division from Camiri to conduct operations south of the Rio Grande River (see map #3, page 108). In early August the second offensive, “Operation Parabano”, was initiated by the Eighth Army Division in the area north of the river. The Fourth Division soldiers pursued Joaquin’s group northward throughout the months of July and August, periodically clashing with the guerrillas. The “Cynthia” soldiers, however, were denied the final victory when Joaquin’s band crossed the imposed boundary at the Rio Grande. Their counterparts of the Eighth Division, waiting at the river, destroyed their prey at the El Vado
del Yeso ford.


Che’s face adorns T-shirts on countless college campuses all over the world today, despite the fact that he was a racist, murderous Communist thug. People who are likely to support OkCupid’s and Mozilla’s ouster of Brendan Eich over “tolerance” are likely to wear or have worn Che shirts at some point in their lives.

Operation Cynthia doesn’t appear to have anything at all to do with Hillary Clinton. The shoe throwing must have been, well, crazy, but also an attempt to use Clinton to draw attention to Che Guevara.


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