Screaming at Reporters, an Obama Tradition

Bryan Preston has this piece about Nasty Obama People threatening CNN reporters. Bryan notes:

Carol Costello hosted a segment on the senior White House aide recently fired for — not making this up — inappropriate tweets, she admitted that the Obama administration has no problem getting “nasty” with reporters who dare to report any negative story about Obama. . . . Costello agreed with panelist Jason Johnson that the Obama administration can be thin-skinned, and said that “President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. . . . This may explain a lot about the past several years, and especially the last year. How many reporters who may have wanted to report on Fast and Furious, Benghazi and any number of stories that cast Obama in a bad light have been intimidated and threatened out of pursuing those stories?


PJ Media has been covering the nastiness of the Obama press spokespeople for years. The nastiest of the nasty is former Justice Department press flunkie Tracy Schmaler.


Schmaler developed a reputation for screaming at journalists who asked any tough questions. These included Pete Williams at NBC, Quinn Hillyer at the American Spectator and Matt Boyle at BreitbartPJ Media covered the nastiness of Obama press flunkies here (“DOJ Shrieker in Chief”) and here and here and here.  These are government employees for whom civility is not a priority, even if the President claims that it is.


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