- Fighting Back Against the Left’s ‘American Taqiyya,’ by Michael Walsh. Michael Walsh’s first column for PJM explores his “Rules for Radical Conservatives” to win the fight in the nation’s Cold Civil War.
- If Obamacare Dies, What’s Next for Health Care? By Dr. Peter Weiss. Eight health care fixes for the Romney campaign to consider.
- Video of NBC ‘Tape Error’ from their Jerry Sandusky Interview, by Ed Driscoll. Even before this latest incident, NBC News’ reputation was in dire shape. How do they begin to repair their credibility?
- The Contents of Obama’s Character, by Andrew Klavan. …Or the lack thereof.
- Cuisine and the Revolution, by Michael Ledeen. Taking the bitter with the better: food has now been thoroughly politicized. But its quality has improved a great deal since my childhood.
- Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think vs. X-Events: The Collapse of Everything, by John Hawkins. Our destiny: utopia or extinction?
- Is the Country Unraveling? By Victor Davis Hanson. Can there be good news in this era of Obama’s managed decline?
- Obama Admin ‘Suspends’ Immigration Enforcement Agreements with Arizona, by Bryan Preston. Vindictive.
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