Who is Barack Obama to Criticize Anyone for Booing a Soldier?

President Obama is trying to get some political mileage out of a bad moment in one of the GOP debates.

Listen to the president there. He says a commander in chief should stand up for those in uniform even when it’s not politically convenient. If President Obama really believes that, then he should have a word with Sen. Barack Obama.


That Barack Obama stayed silent when a major progressive group did a bit more than boo a soldier.

For those that have forgotten, shortly after General David Petraeus issued his report to Congress in September 2007 concerning the condition of the war in Iraq and the success of that March’s troop surge, MoveOn placed a full-page ad in the New York Times with the headline, “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?”

This created quite a firestorm with media outlets on both sides of the aisle circling the wagons to either defend or berate both the Times and MoveOn.

Here is MoveOn’s repulsive ad — which they have since scrubbed from their own website.

The US Senate voted on a resolution condemning the MoveOn ad, which passed with a near three-fourths majority. What did Senator Obama do? He and several leading Democrats shamed themselves.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York and Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, both Democratic candidates for president, voted against the resolution, which passed 72 to 25.

But curiously absent from the vote was Senator Barack Obama of Illinois, also a Democratic candidate for president, who had canceled a campaign appearance in South Carolina so he could be in Washington for votes.

Mr. Obama issued a statement calling the resolution, put forward by Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, “a stunt.” Mr. Obama said, “By not casting a vote, I registered my protest against these empty politics.”


So in 2007, defending the top American war fighting general from a scurrilous premeditated attack launched by a 3-million member progressive group was “empty politics,” but in 2011, making hay out of a fringe spontaneous boo is a matter of honor?

I doubt Barack Obama even believes himself anymore.


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