Top O' the Briefing
Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Zazzwyyth loved to surprise visitors with his "Mel Gibson's Hair Through the Years" diorama, crafted entirely from reconstituted pineapple and Nutella.
The 2024 Paris Olympics are proving to be an all-over-the-place affair. The disgusting opening ceremonies sent a lot of viewers away before the Games really got going. However, It was great to see the otherworldly Simone Biles bounce back from her very public troubles in 2020 and win the all-around Gold in gymnastics for the second time.
I have to admit, the Snoop sightings are almost making up for the bad stuff. He's a great American.
The current "You've got to be kidding me!" news comes from the women's boxing competition. Now, I have to admit that, even though I'm a huge boxing fan, I've always found the idea of women's boxing to be a little weird. I'm more of a lingerie pillow fight fan (Make America Great Again) myself. Still, I'm old-school enough to believe that only women should compete in women's boxing.
Unfortunately, the world has gone mad and nothing makes sense anymore.
This is from a column that Paula wrote yesterday:
On Thursday, the Olympics put on a disgraceful show, pitting a man with XY chromosomes against a biological woman. Algeria's Imane Khelif won the 16 welterweight bout over Italy's Angela Carini after pummeling his opponent's head over and over again. After having her head slammed by the biological male for 46 seconds, Carini was done. She removed herself from the match and then crumbled to the mat in tears. Everyone who watched saw that the Italian boxer was no match for the Algerian, who had been disqualified from previous competitions for testing positive for male chromosomes.
Even a Snoop sighting couldn't save this mess.
As Paula goes on to explain, the LGBTQ++ mob enforcers are insisting that those of us who find this off-putting are crazed bigots because the dude who beat up the girl has never "identified" as trans.
I don't care.
On the He/She/Zher spectrum, I identify him as "He." I say that because, contrary to the opinions of many, I am not insane.
When writing about the Israel/Hamas war, I've frequently said that it's easy to tell who the bad guys are. The Left is always trying insist that there is nuance where none exists. There are a lot of situations that don't have any gray area whatsoever. The Khelif-Carini boxing match is definitely one of them.
For the most part, the International Olympic Committee has had better rules regarding, um, gender questions and competition, especially when compared to the National Collegiate Athletic Association. They're not even close to perfect, of course. Perfect would be "Boys on this side, girls on that side."
The LGBTQ++ screeching minority seeks to prevent people from simply saying, "This is wrong," by screaming "BIGOT!" ad nauseam. Some lunatic writer over at the ongoing cry for help known as mixed things up and threw in "Nazi," which my HotAir colleague David Strom wrote about.
That's right, if you felt ill watching a guy punch a girl while other adults pretended it was sport, you're literally Hitler.
I would say, "I can't even," but I believe that I've used up my annual allotment already.
What happened to Angela Carini was wrong, heinous, heartbreaking, and a variety of other things, all of them bad. There is no bigotry in asserting that. It's the right thing to do, in fact.
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Have a great weekend, everyone!
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