
The Kruiser Kabana Episode 230: Maggot-Spewing Free Palestine Lunatics ARE the Democratic Base

Townhall Media

(Reminder: New episodes are on the podcast page, but I’ll still do promos here.)

It's mostly peaceful protest time on the Left again! Seriously, I liked it so much better when the commie youth just wanted to spend their summers getting high. 

The virulently anti-Semitic "Free Palestine" mob continued its ongoing cry for help by attempting to greet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with — I kid you not — maggots. 


Athena has the background on this here

It's fitting, when you think about it. The goal of all radical leftists is to make sure that freedom ends up being nothing more than a maggot-ridden corpse. 

The only thing that we can take seriously about people like this is the reality of their mental illness. The inmates are running the asylum and the asylum is the Democratic Party. Couple that with the fact that they all support terrorism, and nothing I can say about them is hyperbole. 


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