The Morning Briefing: Sorry Libs, Ron DeSantis Isn't Going to Fall Apart

AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee

Top O’ the Briefing

DeSantis Keeps Rolling

Happy Friday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Julio Iglesias occasionally shows up in my hot tub and sings Irish show tunes.


The COVID 19-delayed Summer Olympics are getting underway and DOCTOR Jill Biden is the official representative of the United States of America there. I know what you’re thinking: “Hey, at least they sent a Biden who can speak English or isn’t a syphilitic struggling junkie artist.” I’d had that same thought too. Then I had a more amusing one: imagine what Kamala Harris is thinking right now. Isn’t the veep supposed to get the cherry travel fluff gigs like this?

I’m telling you, these two women spend all of their free time thinking of ways to destroy each other.

You know how women are.

We’ve talked about the fact that we shouldn’t look ahead and speculate about elections to come, especially the 2024 presidential race. We’ve also acknowledged that it’s difficult to avoid doing so.

Whenever the 2024 conversation happens, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is always one of the first two names mentioned. During a radio hit earlier in the week, the host asked me if I thought DeSantis was peaking too early. I replied that given the fact that he’s facing another gubernatorial election he doesn’t really have a way to avoid the spotlight. I also said that I wasn’t worried about it because he keeps hitting ’em out of the park.

What’s impressive about DeSantis’s continued success is that the Democrats and the media have been working overtime to set him up and make him fail. Much to their chagrin, he keeps not failing. The Democrats, bless their hearts, seem to have not grown tired of being embarrassed by DeSantis yet.


DeSantis’s latest home run was his response to the utter insanity about making school kids wear masks this fall, which Paula wrote about:

Asked during a press conference on Thursday about the idea of a federal mask mandate for children when school resumes in the fall, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t pull any punches:

There’s been talk about potentially people advocating at the federal level imposing compulsory masks on kids. We’re not doing that in Florida, okay?” DeSantis said. “We want kids to be able to be kids. We need them to be able to breathe,” he added. “It’s terribly uncomfortable for them to do it. There’s not very much science behind it.”

He noted that there was no meaningful difference in COVID-19 cases between Florida schools that did require masks and those that didn’t. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked about DeSantis’ comment in her Thursday press briefing. “If I were a parent in Florid that would be greatly concerning to me because kids under the age of 12 are not vaccinated. They’re not eligible yet.”

Jen Psaki has demonstrated time and again that she’s the dumbest person in any room that she’s ever in, so it’s not surprising that she gave the boilerplate Dem response to DeSantis regarding ridiculous and tyrannical pandemic protocols: She accused him of endangering his citizens.


Update: they’ve been wrong every time.

The reason DeSantis isn’t going to be tripped up is because he’s operating from a set of principles rather than attempting to please the media. I wrote in February that it would be great if DeSantis could teach weaker Republicans how to deal with the media. The first rule for any Republican should be to not care what anyone in the mainstream media thinks. DeSantis seems to be good at that.

I know that Democrats are dreaming of the day one of their outlandish claims about DeSantis comes true, but I think they’re in for a lot more disappointment.

Yes, 2024 is a long way away and any number of bad things can happen.

When it comes to Ron DeSantis though, none of them are.

Let’s enjoy that.

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