Results for: global warming
The Three Major Policy Lies of the United Nations
As The Epoch Times reports, among its key provisions are the obligation to transform global governance, a Global Digital Compact to … Whether the canard of man-made climate change (or global warming) owes its prominence to sheer stupidity or malign deliberateness, … Obviously, anthropogenic global warming was never in the picture. Nor is it now.…
VP Debate Missed Opportunity: Carbon Is Life-Giving, Not Poisonous…sed-opportunity-carbon-is-life-giving-not-poisonous-n4933012…sed-opportunity-carbon-is-life-giving-not-poisonous-n4933012
But carbon emissions are not causing dangerous global warming or more hurricanes. … Just as warming is beneficial for ecosystems, more carbon helps ecosystems thrive. … elites fly private jets, own multiple massive houses (including beachfront mansions) and then lecture us about carbon footprints, warming…
UN Pact for the Future Destroys Your Future, Part I
There is no reliable way to measure “average global temperature” either, and not a single major climate alarmist prediction has been … Related: Climate Experts: ‘Global Warming’ Makes Ecosystems ThriveJunk Science’s Steve Milloy provides an … excellent explanation of why average global temperature measurements cannot be relied on, including the fact that such measurements…
The Point of COVID-19
The remedy has got to go global. … “Global Warming” is only the other face of a viral pandemic, serving the same purpose. The Review gets it wrong on both counts. … likely a more stable and democratic option than either a patchwork diversity of smaller polities or an overarching Superstate of global…
Climate Alarmists: Turn Off Your AC and Give Your 'Thermal Sense' a Break
They’re not only free of the refrigerants that amplify air-conditioning’s contribution to global warming; they can also save you money…
The New Pandemic Treaty
— Peter and Ginger Breggin, "COVID-19 and the Global Predators" The proposed International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention … United Nations’ Agenda 2030, was temporarily prorogued as member states failed to reach agreement over various thorny issues like a global … In their onslaught on the democratic polity, the pandemic (along with Climate Change or Global Warming) is their weapon of choice.Some…
Trump and Musk: Weak Presidents Put U.S. at Risk From Dictators
You know, the biggest threat is not global warming, where the ocean is going to rise one 1/8 of an inch over the next 400 years … The … biggest threat is nuclear warming, because we have five countries now that have significant nuclear power, and we have to not allow…
West Coast, Messed Coast™: Hey Hollywood, How's That Defund the Police Thing Working Out for You?
Of course, we're told that these fires are caused by man-made global warming climate change climate catastrophe…
Why Nobody Believes the Media
Then at some point, it became a scold for diversity, equity, and inclusion and pounded the drumbeat of degrowth, global warming, and…
The Democrats Just Overthrew Their Own Election
president.So if Trump wins in November, expect the Left to blame white supremacy, or the Jews, or the Nepalese intelligence services, or global … warming, or whatever.…
'He Just Won the Election.' Republicans Quietly Celebrate Trump's Survival and Presumed Victory…etly-celebrate-trumps-survival-and-presumed-victory-n4930679…etly-celebrate-trumps-survival-and-presumed-victory-n4930679
as a person, or as a past and probably future president, Trump showed us who he is in a moment of crisis.And not a “crisis” like global … warming or a Supreme Court ruling or the price of almond milk at Starbucks, but the crisis of actually getting hit in the head by…
West Coast, Messed Coast™: Are the Rats Jumping Ship Edition
Until next week, enjoy the global warming we're experiencing known as summer on the West Coast, Messed Coast™! …
The ‘Record Heat’ Lie and Marxist Machinations
But Marxists often use global warming as an excuse to restrict liberties and confiscate property rights.Data that hasn’t been manipulated … warming” are brainwashed lackeys of Marxist elites. … We might not be facing our ultimate doom from global warming, but we could be looking at a major dystopian push from Western, especially…
Hawaii Settles Climate Lawsuit Brought by Children
building highways over other types of transportation.The burning of fossil fuels — oil, gas and coal — is the main contributor to global … warming caused by human activity.…
Biden Wants Gov’t 100% 'Clean' Energy by 2030. That’s a Total Disaster…ovt-100-clean-energy-by-2030-thats-a-total-disaster-n4929973…ovt-100-clean-energy-by-2030-thats-a-total-disaster-n4929973
There is evidence as well that fossil fuel carbon emissions are too low to drive global warming, and warming temperatures…
'De-Growth': Communist Urges Cuts for Meat, Cars, Travel
For Our VIPs: Climate Experts: ‘Global Warming’ Makes Ecosystems ThriveAgain, there’s no huge climate crisis.…
Experts: Green Energy Would Take Up to Half of U.S. Land
As the three experts on the call agreed in statements that I previously covered, there is no climate crisis and moderate global … warming is actually helpful for ecosystems, causing them to thrive. … There’s no need and no good reason to switch to falsely labeled “green” energy.Related: Climate Experts: ‘Global Warming’ Makes…
Climate Experts: ‘Global Warming’ Makes Ecosystems Thrive
Three climate experts have called out the “global warming apocalypse” narrative and the totally failed record of climate alarmists’ … A warming climate helps ecosystems thrive, and climate models predicting global crisis have consistently over-predicted.CO2 Coalition … Taylor provided further context on why “global warming” should be no big concern.…
The Morning Briefing, KDJ's Clown World Edition: As the Right Saves America, the Left Cancels Tinkerbell…while-the-right-kills-dei-the-left-cancel-tinkebell-n4929035…while-the-right-kills-dei-the-left-cancel-tinkebell-n4929035
Over the Latest PollsLying, Vile, School Closer Randi Weingarten Can Kiss My School-Choice-Supporting A-Double-SClimate Experts: ‘Global … Warming’ Makes Ecosystems ThriveFBI, DHS Issue Terror Warnings Ahead of Pride MonthTownhall MothershipThis is YUGE - DOJ Busted…
Our Elites’ Climate Hypocrisy
climate apocalypse that is not going to happen.Plenty of evidence indicates there is no climate crisis, especially not a global … warming crisis, which is why alarmists have been wrong for over 50 years now in their predictions. … Warming trend could represent a major change to Earth systems that cannot be reversed on any human time scale.”…
Whither Weather?
In 1989, the late Stephen Schneider, Professor of Environmental Biology and Global Change at Stanford and author of "Global Warming … An ardent proponent of the Global Warming boondoggle, Lovelock more or less reversed course, claiming that the science is far from … Indeed, global warming (aka “Climate Change”) is a profitable industry. Carbon capture is a lucrative but unworkable scheme.…
The Genocidal Implications of the ‘Absolute Zero’ Carbon Agenda
The term net zero is important because – for CO2 at least – this is the state at which global warming stops…Different terms ( … Net zero is the internationally agreed upon goal for mitigating global warming in the second half of the century. … progress towards this goal.Many actors will be able to achieve absolute zero or zero emissions, hence the choice of terms in the global…
Biden’s EPA Rules ‘Hurt Working-Class Americans’
businesses, and farmers by effectively banning the sale of gasoline-powered vehicles in America—while having practically no effect on global … This is not surprising, since data indicates there has not been global warming for more than eight years.…
"If we wanted to reduce global warming," he says, "We would need one pandemic every year. … But reducing global growth won't help. It would make things worse. … He says, "The global free market will save the world." "That's grandiose," I tell Norberg."…
Hungary Calls Out Western Hypocrisy on Christian Persecution
their church, the president of Ireland, Michael Higgins, issued a statement condemning not Muslim violence, but climate change and global … warming.…