
The Three Major Policy Lies of the United Nations

Manuel Elias/United Nations via AP

"The terrible irony is that the primary public international organization dedicated to the deterrence of corruption and the human suffering that it causes has itself been significantly undermined by that same corruption." 
—Scott MoritzCorruption at the United Nations. Of Course There Is. 

The United Nations, which predicates its existence on the presumed need for what it calls the “sustainable development” of human societies and the stewardship of the planet, has adopted what it calls The Pact for the Future. As The Epoch Times reports, among its key provisions are the obligation to transform global governance, a Global Digital Compact to restrict “misinformation” and “disinformation,” and the phasing out of fossil fuels. The UN’s promotional materials refer to the outfit as “U.N. 2.0.” 

The Pact is defined by three major policies involving climate change, pandemic preparation, and the state of Israel. Its stance on all these so-called “initiatives” is fundamentally both dishonest and ruinous. Let us consider them in order.  

The entire controversy over the hobgoblin of “climate change” and the ostensibly ethical issue of planetary conscience is really much ado about nothing — or about nothing properly understood by our presumptive experts, specialists, UN apparatchiks, political leaders, and the general populace. Whether the canard of man-made climate change (or global warming) owes its prominence to sheer stupidity or malign deliberateness, it is precisely this theory that a growing number of top-tier scientists, mathematicians, and climatologists have debunked

Author and Public Policy professional Jeffrey Folks writes, “It goes without saying that human influences had nothing to do with ancient cycles of climate change. Natural cycles of warming and cooling have always existed.” The clincher is that there is no sound evidence the planet is warming owing to human interventions, and, indeed, data from climate oscillation patterns, in particular the current transition from El Niño to La Niña, further indicate that a cooling trend is now setting in. 

Confirmation is provided by Anrab Rai Choudhuri’s fascinating 2015 study Nature’s Third Cycle, which explains the complexities of “solar dynamo theory,” yielding supporting evidence for drastically reduced sunspot activity and the prospect of cooling summers and harsh winters to come. We are experiencing the initial stages of this development now. The UN is dealing in fabrications to alarm a fearful and gullible world population whose ignorance is carefully cosseted — the real “disinformation” that the UN affects to combat but which it practices with every resolution, policy paper, proclamation, and press release. 

What is one to make of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore being jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”? 

Nonsense abounds. We note that Gore predicted an ice-free Arctic by 2014. By 2024 Arctic ice had increased by 28%. Michael Shellenberger, author of Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All, shows that the United Nations is a purveyor of convenient, self-serving exaggerations, putting an innocent face on a perverse intention. The entire project resembles a Chucky doll horror flick. 

The truth is that the collapse of civilization and human flourishing or any part of the ecosphere, if or when they may occur, should be properly attributed, among a combination of significant factors, to the libration of natural cycles, millennia before carbon hysteria was a going concern. As Eric Cline writes in his compendious 1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed, such a world-historical event may be described as a “systems failure” involving invasions, revolutions, drought, famine, earthquakes, and natural disasters from which “even such a globalized international, vibrant, intersocietal network as was present during the late Bronze Age could not recover.” 

Obviously, anthropogenic global warming was never in the picture. Nor is it now. If Western Civilization is on the road to collapse, it is largely because of progressivist, decadent, and mirage-prone institutions like the UN.

Another way in which the UN serves the Prince of Lies has to do with pandemic response, in particular the distribution of the mRNA vaccines. Data released by the Public Health Agency of Canada indicate a three- to fivefold increase in death rates among those with two or more vaccine doses compared to the unvaccinated across all data groups. As a government agency, Health Canada has almost certainly underestimated the bad news. 

According to Japanese scientists, among the most reputable in the world, the vaccines are severely collapsing global populations. Similarly, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors, using government data and statistical extrapolations, estimates 20 million deaths and 2 billion adverse events globally, directly attributable to the COVID “vaccines.” Yet international organizations such as the UN are suppressing the truth about this catastrophic loss of life if not actually promoting it.

Dr. Michael Yeadon, formerly vice president at Pfizer, adds a much-needed lacing of common sense to the COVID cocktail of lies by asking us to reflect: “Pandemics are not a thing. Think back through your life. How many pandemics have there been?” The answer is none, not in our lifetimes, but the UN, the WHO, and their allies will have us believe that another is just around the corner and that we must sacrifice our freedoms in order to be prepared. 

So dubious is the hypothesis that the new viral event is labeled Disease X, a placeholder name given to an unknown pathogen that might emerge in the future and for which COVID-19 appears to have been merely an accelerator. We are now living in the Age of Pandemics—Disease X is but the latest sortie in the viral war against democracy. 

The usual suspects will eventually come up with a proper name for what they are in the process of engineering. Gain-of-function is the name of the game. As Brownstone Institute Fellow Dr. Toby Rogers writes, “gain-of-function research must be banned and many bioweapons scientists must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.” 

Finally, the UN’s anti-Israel and pro-Islam bias is painfully evident. As a typical example of UN malfeasance and mendacity, we recall that Ann Veneman, formerly Executive Director of UNICEF, charged that Israel was engaged in “the continued targeting of civilians, particularly children” — although even as she spoke, thousands of Hezbollah rockets and missiles had fallen on Israel, menacing one-quarter of the country’s population, including children. 

Nothing has changed. Today, more than 60,000 Israeli citizens subject to continual Hezbollah bombardment have been evacuated from the Lebanese border and have been living in shelters for most of the last year, a fact to which the UN pays no attention as it continues to incriminate Israel for daring to defend itself. UN Refugee High Commissioner Filippo Grandi is concerned only with the people displaced inside Lebanon, not once mentioning the Israeli evacuees. 

The UN World Food Program provides “meals and support” to the Lebanese but not a morsel to the Israelis. To say that the jaundiced unscrupulousness that governs UN transactions with regard to the Jewish state is utterly reprehensible is putting it mildly.

Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu’s Sept. 27 speech to the UN was an attempt, he said, to “set the record straight… after I heard the lies and slanders leveled at my country by many of the speakers at this podium.” With both morality and reason on his side, Netanyahu called the UN “a swamp of antisemitic bile” that needs to be drained. 

Although a secular Jew, Netanyahu may have had Zechariah 1 in mind, in which the Lord declares, "And I am vey sore displeased with the heathen that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction." But there is little hope of honest thinking and simple human decency to be found in so foul and invidious a gutter of institutional rot, many of whose diplomats boycotted the prime minister’s speech. 

It is thus high time that the reality of the United Nations is recognized and confronted. It is an organization distinguished chiefly by its corruption and its endemic propensity for scandals, for which its hospitality is legendary: to name just a few, the Congo sex scandal, the Iraqi Oil-for-Food scandal, the $5.2 billion UNDP (United Nations Development Program) scandal involving hiring irregularities and violation of financial controls and competitive bidding rules, and, as noted, primarily its treatment of the state of Israel, to which it devotes fully one-third of its condemnatory resolutions and which it consistently attempts to marginalize and exclude. 

The UN is not finished with entrenching its malignant stratagems. It will continue to lie massively about global issues like so-called climate change and pandemic events, enthusiastically embrace the evils of antisemitism and anti-Zionism, profit from vast emoluments and diplomatic privileges, and abuse the rights of democratic nations, many of which it has succeeded in co-opting to its own agenda. It is a blight upon the world and the shame of any democratic nation that supports so toxic and fraudulent an institution.

Of course, the preponderance of world leaders underwrites the UN and its policies, whether regarding climate, pandemics, or Israel, which likely ensures its existence in perpetuity. The UN is probably here to stay for the simple reason that it is not a unique institution but a reflection of the very world it purports to serve. 

One may hope for a restrictive covenant among neighboring nations, but the only country with the resolve to act is the United States under a wise and patriotic administration, which would require an electoral victory by Donald Trump, a consummation much to be desired. If Trump wins, the UN loses. The coin is still in the air.


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