Gauntlet Thrown, Challenge Accepted: NOW the Democrats Are Panicking

AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar

Politics isn’t only about politics anymore. It’s also culture. (More about that in a sec.) But first: 

Last weekend, I wrote an article entitled “Here’s How We’ll Really Know When Kamala Harris Believes She’s Losing.” It included a very specific checklist:

  • Kamala Harris will suddenly open up and do a ton of interviews — including hostile interviews.
  • The mainstream media will focus extensively on how rotten and awful the American voters are, and the narrative will be planted to blame racism/sexism on Kamala’s defeat.
  • Tim Walz will be taken from the mothballs and placed anywhere a camera’s pointing.
  • Bold new legislation (that benefits whatever demo is slipping away) will be announced ASAP by the Democrats.

Well, well, well — just yesterday, the Harris-Walz campaign announced that Ms. Harris has agreed to her first formal interview on FOX News. Bret Baier (arguably the most docile of all FOX News hosts) is the lucky interviewer. And he’s asking viewers for questions.

Related: Donald Trump CONFIRMS He’s Doing the Joe Rogan Show: What to Expect

And today, in the most mainstream of the mainstream media, a pair of VERY interesting stories broke. The USA Today has a brand new opinion piece, “Trump concocts a racist, dystopian version of America only he can save us from.” Not to be outdone, the Washington Post published the companion piece, “Why Trump is doubling down on racism.” 

The media is crediting Trump’s ascent to racism (of course), a far cry from their earlier squeals of “joy” when Harris was leading. Because, quite naturally, when Harris was leading, Americans were smart and fair. Six days ago, The New York Times claimed “‘Joy’ Is Working for Harris,” but a lot can change in six days.


The presidential campaign has just entered a new transitional phase.

To understand the Democratic strategy, you need to understand how Democrats view the world: Donald Trump is awful, evil, disgusting, stupid, dangerous, and (of course) racist — and it MUST be true because all their friends and colleagues agree with ‘em. It’s been repeated so often in their echo chamber, it’s accepted as gospel.

So, all along, their strategy was to offer voters an alternative to Trump.

That’s it.

It’s why they could swap Harris for Biden without blinking: the Democrats aren’t voting FOR someone; they’re voting AGAINST someone. (And they assume you will, too.)

Besides, from the Democrat’s perspective, does it really matter if it’s Harris, Biden, or any other Democrat in the White House? Their true power lies with the federal infrastructure and various agencies that truly control D.C. Whereas the GOP needs Trump to get elected to pass legislation, the Democrats just need a body with a pulse. (Which is why Biden had to leave.)

For a while, they thought they hit the jackpot with Kamala Harris. When you only examine her resume, there’s everything a modern liberal dreams of: female, minority, San Francisco, famous. And other than the time she was utterly eviscerated by Tulsi Gabbard during the Democratic debates, she’s mostly avoided embarrassing missteps. She can recite speeches from the teleprompter just fine. 


But the problem is that a presidential candidate is more than their resume. Even though the Democrats have doubled down on the politics of personal association, the American people aren’t on board yet. They still seek an emotional, personal connection with the would-be President.  

In other words, it’s not enough to simply be against Trump. They also want to vote for someone — ideally, someone they like, respect, and admire.

And Kamala Harris is extraordinarily unlikeable.

It’s not just what she says. It’s her mannerisms. It's her dismissive, condescending tone. There’s an unattractive smugness to her — a smothering sense of elitism. Kamala Harris lacks respect for the American people — and the more she’s in the limelight, the more it shows. 

The 2024 presidential campaign always was an unusual political experiment. The Democrats are running a candidate who has never forged an emotional connection with anyone, and they’re hoping “Trump Hatred” will be enough to swap bodies in the White House so they can continue the status quo. But the Biden-Harris administration isn’t popular enough to pull it off. There’s not a groundswell of support to continue their policies.

Accepting an interview with FOX News was the first big sign of a strategic change. Keep your eyes on the next shoes to drop: a vast array of news stories will be coming out over the next 10 days that will blame the American people for Trump’s popularity. USA Today and The Washington Post are only the beginning.


Getcha popcorn ready.

I opened the article with the line, “Politics isn’t only about politics anymore. It’s also culture.” For the Democrats, the MAGA movement has been an absolute culture shock. And so, when they lose, they’re not going to be introspective and consider where they might’ve lost the American people. The culprit will NEVER be their actions or beliefs.

Instead, they’ll promote a narrative that protects their worldview: Their policies are wonderful, wholesome, and pure… so the problem must be everyone else.

Like the American people.

Kamala Harris's appearance on FOX News is the first step. More will come. If the next 10 days are loaded with headlines about the American people being racist, sexist, homophobic bigots, you’ll know the worm hasn’t just turned — the worm is now packing an Uzi.


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