Why Does President Trump Continue to Surround Himself with Morons, Nutjobs and Basket Cases?

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

It doesn’t make any sense: It’s one of Trump’s greatest weaknesses, but it ought to be his biggest strength. In fact, it ought to be his number one asset on the campaign trail.


But instead, President Trump continues to surround himself with the fringiest of the fringe — the goofiest of the goofy. Lately, his nimrod-of-choice is Laura Loomer, the genius entrepreneur and political activist who’s dining on dogfood on her Rumble channel.

Trump’s supporters argue that this is part and parcel of being an outsider. Since The Donald didn’t spend his earlier years immersed in politics, he lacks a sixth sense for identifying top-tier talent. Very respectfully, this excuse doesn’t wash; Trump has either been president — or has been campaigning for president — since 2015. It’s been nine years! That’s plenty of time to figure out how to hire quality help. 

Guys like Barack Obama were able to make it work in D.C. with less political experience than Trump.

Furthermore, Trump’s background as an outsider should’ve made it easier to sign top talent. Most new presidents struggle in the White House because there isn’t an analogous position. Even if you were the governor of a big state, being the president is an entirely different animal. Perhaps the reason they struggle so mightily is because they’re one-trick-ponies — all they know is how to be a governor or congressman — and lack the skill set to adapt.


Trump, however, is unique among America’s presidents. He’s been unusually successful in very different professions. Most presidents might’ve worked as a lawyer, spent a few years in Congress, and then gotten elected to the top spot. As such, their life experiences are limited. 

But not Trump. Unlike his predecessors, Trump was a wealthy, successful real estate developer in the heart of New York City. Then he was a branding savant, making the Trump brand synonymous with high-end fashion and luxury. He’s been a best-selling author and lecturer. He’s been an Emmy-winning TV star. He’s sold men’s fashion, cologne, sneakers, steaks, vodka, golf memberships, and educational courses. He’s owned sports franchises, staged legendary prizefights at his venues, and promoted international beauty events. (Oh, he also did that thing where he ran for president, annihilated his GOP rivals, redrew the political map, and became the new Leader of the Free World. In case you forgot.)

And during each leg of his journey, Trump needed to utilize a different skill set. Before he could conquer, he had to adapt. So you would expect that adapting to new environments is Trump’s core strength. After all, his track record in this category is simply extraordinary.


But that hasn’t been the case, and it’s probably the biggest disappointment for the MAGA faithful. Not only does Trump struggle to adapt to presidential politics, but most of the time, he seems to expect the world to adapt to him.

Unfortunately, this leads him to make astoundingly horrible personnel decisions. Omarosa Manigault Newman. Anthony Scaramucci. Michael Cohen. John Bolton. Mike Pence. John Kelly. Stephanie Grisham. And now Laura Loomer. The list goes on and on.

It’s probably worth noting that the most popular members of the Trump administration and his reelection team — Don Trump, Jr., Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Lara Trump — are all family members. Even if they did a great job, I don’t know how much credit you deserve for hiring your family. And besides, in a large, federal government like that of the United States of America, it’s just not realistic to expect one family to run the whole country. You still need to identify, hire, train, and retain good, high-quality people.

If you’ve been around political campaigns, you quickly discover that politics attracts more nutjobs and closet cases than any other profession. They’re on the left, they’re on the right — even though they belong in their mother’s basement. There’s still a role for nutjobs: in the backroom, far away from the media. Let ‘em help by licking envelopes, but you DO NOT let them represent your campaign!


And you definitely don’t let them talk to the media.

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I don’t want to bash Laura Loomer. As far as I’m aware, we’ve never met, so I harbor no personal animosity towards her whatsoever. Maybe, if I were to grab a beverage with her, we’d be fast friends. But like so many of you, I have a vested interest in a Trump victory, and I suspect she’s a mentally unstable person

This will likely be a razor-thin election. We simply can’t afford any more unforced errors.

With all the would-be assassins taking shots at Trump, the last thing we need is to shoot ourselves in the foot. People like Laura Loomer need to go ASAP.


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