Oscar Dissing Gettng Boring

Drudge has a series of reviews of the Oscars this morning calling them, essentially, dull and duller.

Really? Je suis shocké.

Of course they’re dull. They’re supposed to be. They’re an awards ceremony, for crissakes. … Of course they are not nearly as dull as the tedious critics above who take them seriously enough to write a full scale review of them. Nevertheless some people watched. But anyone who didn’t multi-task should be as ashamed of him/herself. Even the nominees were multi-tasking, schmoozing up their next jobs, if I remember the scene from when I was nominated ages ago (1989). Also, as I recall, the parties afterwards were also deadly dull – no matter what the hyperventilating TV commentators make you want to think – though I was never invited to the vaunted Vanity Fair extravaganza, so perhaps I missed something (free drinks).



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