The Presidential Election of 2/07

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Scenes from the Class Struggle in Beverly Hills – the rope line at the Obama fundraiser at the Beverly Hilton. By Roman Genn for Pajamas Media

The new Rasmussen Poll shows Rudy Giuliani “schmicing” Hillary Clinton 52% to 43% in a head-to-head of the current Republican and Democrat poll leaders. That’s an extraordinary lead (and would be an electoral vote landslide), considering Rudy is running at the top of George Bush’s party – and we alll know his numbers. Captain Ed agrees with his “good friend” David Geffen that this does not portend good things for Hillary. Her unfavorables are too high ever to win.


But what the Captain doesn’t note is that Guiliani seems to be lapping the Republican field as well. If I were Rudy I’d be a bit nervous. It’s waaay early. And the press will have to go after him – they will have no choice. Otherwise they won’t sell newspapers. The Conventional Wisdom is that Rudy’s numbers will go down after the public knows his naughty personal life. But will they? I’m skeptical that a large proportion don’t know about it already. Rudy has been a hugely famous person for some time. One thing is certain, this latest poll is good for Obama. In the short run, Hillary doesn’t look like a winner. She’s got Geffenitis.

UPDATE: Meanwhile, things do not look so good for Gingrich, according to the maestro.


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