Bush Up

American political conventions have begun to resemble high-tech versions of medieval passion plays. As in those passion plays we know the conclusion before they start and all we have to do is judge the individual performances. Without suspense, this can get a bit dull and, again like many dramas of that nature, they can stand a little cutting. We need four days of this? By the time we come to the President or the nominee, we’re ready to go home.


But the film preamble is suddenly effecting. Fred Thompson has a great voice.

The speech itself, particularly the last part, was good. At the beginning I was more impressed by Bush’s relaxation than the content, but the demonstrators, whoever they prove to be, got loose and he seemed rattled. Who wouldn’t be? Given American history, we all know what can happen. Let’s all rejoice that it didn’t.

Of course, the baseball schtick is meant to make Kerry look bad, pitcher to pritcher, and it sure does. Also Bush’s people push the USA banners, not Bush banners. Smart. I’mm going to listen now. Bye.


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