California Dem Party Beat National Party in Anti-Zionist Sweepstakes

They say everything starts in California and it appears to be that way too when it comes to the omission of Israel in Democratic Party platforms – an “oversight” that, it will be recalled, caused so much consternation during the Charlotte convention.


According to information made known to PJ Media, the California Democratic Party dropped support for Israel altogether from its platform in 2010. Neither did the country appear in 2012.

Here is the California platform for 2004 (bold mine):

Peace in the Middle East. Champion human rights and democracy for all people as the pillars of our policy in the Middle East. Maintain our commitment to ensuring the security and well being of the State of Israel and to maintaining America’s special relationship with Israel. Support the Palestinian goals of peace, justice, security and a viable independent state, which includes aid for economic development. Promote efforts to root out terrorism without endangering civilians. Encourage direct negotiations for peace that build on the “Road Map” asproposed by the “Quartet” (United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations).”


The California Democratic Party platform for 2012 says simply: “Proactively seek a durable peace treaty in the Middle East.” No mention of Israel or supporting her security.

PJ Media has further heard that longtime former Congresswoman Jane Harman has been under verbal attack by “progressives” at California Democratic Party meetings for her pro-Israel views.

Filmmaker Gwilym McGrew will be on PJTV later this week to discuss these developments.


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