By now most of the savvy readers of this site know that yet another round of Presidential polls has been released, which still have Bush ahead, although by varying margins. I have no idea how accurate any of them are, so I will offer no opinion, but… in the time-honored tradition of “all politics is local”… I was amused by the following pull from the new ABC-WaPo Poll:
The poll was conducted by telephone Sept. 23 to 26 among 1,204 randomly selected adults nationwide, including 969 self-identified registered voters. The margin of sampling error is plus or minus three percentage points.
Only 1204 in three or four days? In the less than twenty-four hours the site survey at the top of the page has been going on, we already have well over 3000 responses! Maybe I should have thrown in a question on the Presidency, but given the tenor of the answers I’ve seen so far, I have a strong suspicion the incumbent would do pretty well (like an unprecedented landslide). I will publish the results when we’re done, probably over the weekend.
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