A leftist columnist has published a full-throated defense of Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Eyelashes) in her mockery of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. It was impolite for Crockett to make fun of Abbott’s disability by calling him “Governor Hot Wheels,” but don’t you see? The Trump/Abbott immigration policies are “dehumanizing” poor South American gang members, and that is not only far worse than anything Crockett said or could even have thought of to say about Abbott, but it makes her mockery justified.
See how it works? This is how the left justifies its complete dehumanization of Trump and his supporters and the calls from so many leftist political and cultural leaders for violence against them (remember not only Hakeem Jeffries and Kweisi Mfune calling upon their followers to fight Trump “in the streets,” but Madonna, Kathy Griffin, Robert DeNiro and so many others being quite open and unapologetic about how they wanted to harm or even murder Trump and/or those who support him).
A leftist columnist named Mike Brock, who writes at the appropriately named Notes from the Circus, on Tuesday offered a prime example of how the left justifies its broken moral compass, sticking up for Crockett on the basis of how utterly awful the policies Abbott is implementing regarding immigration supposedly are.
Brock claims that “there is a particular kind of moral incoherence that has infected our political discourse—the inability to distinguish between rhetorical transgressions and substantive moral horrors. We're expected to react with identical outrage to a crude joke about a wheelchair and the systematic dehumanization of people being deported without due process, beaten, and stripped of dignity in actual detention facilities.”
Brock also skewers patriots for alleged hypocrisy in the way only a far-left soyboy can: “The same movement that produces endless memes of Trump as a muscled strongman, that obsesses over ‘alpha’ masculinity, that mocks political opponents as ‘weak’ or ‘low energy,’ suddenly discovers a commitment to dignity and respect when a Democrat makes a tasteless joke about a Republican's disability.”
Nah. Really, Mike, it’s just about consistency. The left constantly affects moral outrage when patriots say something that crosses their ever-changing lines of what is acceptable speech and what isn’t, while leftists engage in the most savage and incendiary rhetoric against patriots without a second thought and shrug any efforts to hold them to the same standard to which they hold those they hate. The outrage over Crockett’s mockery of Abbott is a manifestation of consistency, not inconsistency, which Brock could only have missed if he hadn’t been paying attention to how leftists have spoken of their opponents for the last decade or so.
That isn’t the only thing Brock misses, either. That business about “the systematic dehumanization of people being deported without due process, beaten, and stripped of dignity in actual detention facilities” is a decidedly one-sided account of what is actually going on. Brock says nothing, of course, about the “systematic dehumanization” of the victims of criminal gang members who were in the U.S. illegally. He gives no hint of the fact that the Trump administration has a strong legal case for its actions, which it is not carrying out in order to “dehumanize” people, but to protect Americans from criminal migrants who have no business being in the country in the first place.
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What Brock is doing by ignoring all that, in fact, is engaging in leftists’ tested practice of accusing their enemies of what they’re guilty of doing. Brock is, in his justification of Crockett’s insult, busy dehumanizing patriots, which will end up justifying not only crude and clumsy japes such as “Governor Hot Wheels,” but actual violence. When dull-witted, fentanyl-addled Antifa thugs read that patriots are engaged in “dehumanization” of the poor migrant gang members, it doesn’t take much to get them out on the streets, breaking things and attacking people. After all, these people have it coming. They’ve practiced “dehumanization.”
This illustrates the kind of thinking that leads to the likes of Kathy Griffin stalking around with Trump’s bloody head in her hand and thinking that she is righteous the whole time. She was just issuing a call to violence against a man who was doing far worse, you see. To the left, they can do such things despite being the faction of love, tolerance, diversity, and acceptance, but because they’re the faction of love, tolerance, diversity, and acceptance. If you don’t believe people can actually think like that, just ask Mike Brock.