
Is Kamala President Now?

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

Kamala Harris wants to take the Oath of Office and become president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2025, but is she already discharging the duties of the president?

It’s not altogether clear who is really acting as president now. Old Joe Biden still holds the title, but the whole world knows that he is non compos mentis. Jill Biden did her best Edith Wilson impression not long ago when she chaired a cabinet meeting, and that led many people to surmise that the shadowy forces who are really running things had decided to go with “Dr.” Jill as their figurehead of choice until Inauguration Day. 

But then on Saturday, it was not Old Joe or Jill, but Vice President and heir presumptive Kamala Harris who announced that the Biden-Harris regime was sending $157 million in taxpayer money to Lebanon, where people “are facing an increasingly dire humanitarian situation.” It was also Kamala who took the outstandingly tone-deaf step of announcing that the regime, while busy taking care of the people of Lebanon, nonetheless could manage to spare $750 for those who lost everything in Hurricane Helene right here in the United States.

So is Kamala Harris effectively the president already? After all, if Mike Pence had made similar announcements during Trump’s presidency, the establishment media would be rife with rumors that Bad Orange Man was incapacitated, incapable of discharging the duties of his office, and deserving of removal under the 25th Amendment. But now, when the alleged president is Old Joe Biden and it’s Kamala who is acting in his place, no one cares. She has already supplanted him as the Democrats’ nominee; why shouldn’t she get a little on-the-job training, in view of her imminent coronation?

Kamala’s first acts as sort-of president, however, were not exactly reassuring. As Matt Margolis asked regarding her showering taxpayer dollars upon Lebanon while Americans are suffering, “Just how blind is she and her team to the suffering of American citizens?”

The answer, of course, is that she couldn’t be blinder to their suffering if she had been born without eyes. So are the Democrats not only so America-Last as to be indifferent to the suffering of the victims of the hurricane, but also so clumsy that they don’t realize the damage that the optics here could do to Harris’ electoral chances?

Yes and no. From the hard-left standpoint, sending millions to Lebanon while stiffing the American people actually makes sense. After all, these people really do hate America. They also hate Israel. Sending $157 million to Lebanon for “humanitarian aid” really means sending money to Hezbollah for its jihad against Israel, for there is no force in Lebanon, not even the government, that could prevent Hezbollah from commandeering that aid.

While Biden-Harris regime wonks persist in assuming that the American people don’t realize that money is fungible and that sending an evil force “humanitarian aid” frees up other money that force can use for nefarious purposes, the haters of Israel know this full well. This aid package to Lebanon is thus yet another Harris attempt to keep Michigan and Minnesota in the Democrat column and to reassure the party’s enraged far-left base that the abandonment and betrayal of Israel is in full swing.

Related: This Could Turn Out to Be the Biden-Harris Regime’s Costliest Mistake Ever

The use of American taxpayer money for Lebanese people instead of Americans is also a positive sign for Harris’ hard-left base. The whole idea is to spread the wealth around, to rob from the rich and give to the poor. As far as these socialist internationalists are concerned, the rich are the American people, so they have to be soaked. The poorer and weaker that America and Americans are, the better. When these Democrat voters see taxpayer money flying out of the country to be used on people who are hostile to the United States, they couldn’t be more pleased.

In her first acts as the supposed president, then, Kamala Harris is thus not being tone-deaf. She is playing to her base. If she ends up winning the presidency and becoming the official ostensible president instead of just acting as the ostensible president, there will likely be much, much more of the same, both to the detriment of the American people and, ultimately, the world at large.


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