Will the U.S./Israel Alliance Survive a Kamala Harris Presidency?

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

Will the U.S./Israel alliance survive a Kamala Harris presidency? Well, that depends. If Israel bends to the wishes of the Western leftist intelligentsia, then sure. But if not, all bets are off.


Harris made this clear on “Face the Nation” on Sunday when she sidestepped a question about whether she regarded Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a reliable ally. "I think the better question,” Harris said, “is do we have an important alliance between the American people and Israeli people. The answer to that question is yes."

Many people might wonder what the difference is. If Israel is a U.S. ally and Netanyahu is Israel’s prime minister, then of course Netanyahu is an ally. But that was exactly the point that Harris was not making. She was making it clear that while she wanted to maintain the alliance between the U.S. and Israel, Netanyahu would have to go.

Harris and the entire Biden-Harris regime favor the Israeli left, which is much more open to making concessions to the Palestinians than is Netanyahu. The socialist internationalists who are running things in Washington see Israel as every bit the colonialist oppressor and occupier that Rashida Tlaib and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez insist that it is. For the hard left, the best-case scenario would be for the Israelis to give up their state and leave the region entirely. That isn’t going to happen, and so the best viable alternative is for Israel to make massive concessions of land and allow for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

That outcome, as popular as it is, won’t bring peace. In decades past, offers for a Palestinian state were contingent upon the Palestinians accepting the existence of Israel, at least on paper, but in all the excitement since Oct. 7, 2023, that condition has been forgotten. A Palestinian state will inevitably become a new base from which Islamic jihadis will renew their attacks against what is left of Israel, until the Jewish state is obliterated altogether, but that, of course, doesn’t trouble those who share the perspective of Tlaib and AOC one bit.


Harris needs the hard-left, Israel-hating vote to carry Michigan and Minnesota, or thinks she does, and so she prefers that the Israeli left, which is short-sighted to the point of suicidal, to Netanyahu. She even met with Muslim leaders in Michigan on Friday, during which meeting she “heard directly their perspectives on the election and the conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon,” and hoped that would be enough to secure their votes.

It won’t be. The Biden-Harris regime will have to betray Israel even more comprehensively than it has already. For the regime’s distaste for the Jewish state didn’t begin when it looked as if Harris might lose Michigan and Minnesota. It has long been clear that the U.S. alliance with Israel is a thorn in the side of the Biden-Harris regime.

Old Joe and Kamala Harris, along with those who are running them, have been steadfast in pursuing the foreign policy objective that originated in the Obama era: appease and enable the Islamic Republic of Iran, and do everything possible to enable it to become the premier power in the region. With such an objective in mind, the nation that the Iran mullahs are always wishing death upon becomes inconvenient, or worse.

     Related: This Could Turn Out to Be the Biden-Harris Regime’s Costliest Mistake Ever

Likewise inconvenient is the fact that the mullahs enjoy shouting not only “Death to Israel,” but “Death to America.” In a nationally televised address on Nov. 1, 2023, Iran’s Supreme Leader, the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared: "When you chant 'Death to America!' it is not just a slogan – it is a policy.” Nevertheless, in March 2024, long after the Islamic Republic’s proxy war with Israel began, Old Joe sent $10 billion to Tehran, making the United States one of the chief financiers of Iran’s proxy war against Israel, as Iran is one of the chief financiers of its subsidiary Hizballah, as well as Hamas.


And so something is going to have to give. If Harris becomes president, she isn’t going to be able to maintain the pretense of friendship with Israel while continuing to fund its enemies. Even if the far left comes to power in Israel, the Israelis will not be able to take for granted the continued existence of the U.S./Israel alliance. It won’t be that Israel has changed. It will be that we have.


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