'Why Hasn't Trump Shown Us the Wound on His Ear' and Other Idiotic Observations From the Left

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

This is how "mainstream Democrats" posit conspiracy theories.

Celebrity horse doctor Sanjay Gupta is calling for a "public assessment" of Trump's wounds because, naturally, he's incredibly worried that a bullet striking so close to Trump's head might have rattled his brain.


“A full public assessment of Trump’s injuries is necessary, for both the former president’s own health and the clarity it can provide for voters about the recovery of the man who could become president of the United States once again,” neurosurgeon Gupta wrote in a Friday article.

“The concern is that gunshot blasts near the head can cause injuries that aren’t immediately noticeable, such as bleeding in or on the brain, damage to the inner ear or even psychological trauma.”

(Clapping my hand to my forehead.) "Why didn't Trump's doctors think of that?"

Dr. Gupta's compassion and zeal to make sure the former president is well taken care of is the most touching thing I've ever heard of coming from CNN. But the reality is a little bit different.

Gupta just wants a peak under the bandage. 

Can you imagine if  Donald Trump had been shot in the rump? I think Gupta would still have demanded Trump go on national TV and prove it.

 “Most of what we know about his injury is based on what we’ve seen in pictures and video, and from secondhand," Gupta said. Don't you wish he was this concerned about Biden's brain all these years?

Gupta finally gets to the crux of the conspiracy: Trump wasn't struck by a bullet a all.

“It’s not even clear that he was struck by a primary projectile from the rifle, a secondary projectile, or a combination of both,” Gupta wrote of the shooting.


I can see Gupta in the room 2,000 years ago with the apostles and Christ walking in and the good doctor demanding to see the splinters of wood in Christ's wounds.

Actually, Gupta should rest easy. This guy solved the mystery for him. 

Ah, yes, The old "fake blood capsule on his ear" trick.

My old adversary Marcy Wheeler claims that Trump has "foregone the best medical care" and is withholding CT scan results. She complained that Rep. Ronny Jackson, former White House physician, gave out a "medical report" on Trump that was less than completely truthful.

This purported medical update is not the first we’ve heard from Jackson about Donald Trump’s ear. Jackson did several media interviews before this, starting with propagandist Maria Bartiromo, a chat which focused far less on a quasi medical description. On July 16, in an interview with far right podcaster Benny, Jackson claimed the bullet didn’t get close enough to Trump’s head to cause any concussive effect. Sometime in the same period, right wing columnist Byron York spoke to Jackson more informally.  Placing himself among that crowd, Jonathan Swan wrote a fawning story from Jackson’s view — confirming that Jackson offered to help Trump “medically or with the press” — mentioning none of the reasons that Jackson’s claims should be approached with skepticism.


At least someone was talking about Trump's condition. Propaganda or not, it would have been nice for Wheeler, Gupta, and all the Democrats wanting to get a peek under the bandage to have been as concerned about the president's ability to run the affairs of the country and not forget where the nuclear football is.

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