Americans Rejecting Hysterical Criticism of Trump

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci speaks during a coronavirus task force briefing at the White House, Friday, March 20, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

It seems amazing that the public is ignoring the unhinged criticism and hate directed at the president and are standing behind him in this time of crisis.

The latest evidence for that is a new Morning Consult poll out today that shows a surprising jump in support for Trump’s handling of the crisis. Yesterday, Matt Margolis covered similar polls from ABC and Harris.


Given the overwhelmingly negative coverage by the fake news media, complete with blatantly false stories, the fact that Trump’s approval in handling the pandemic is in positive territory is remarkable. One can only imagine what Trump’s numbers would be if Democrats weren’t politicizing the pandemic and he was getting fair coverage from the media.

Today, the morning consult poll shows 53 percent of voters approve of Trump’s crisis management, while only 39 percent disapprove. significantly, there was a sizable increase in support from Democrats and independents.

The uptick was largely driven by 8-point bumps in approval among Democrats (from 18 percent to 26 percent) and independents (from 43 percent to 51 percent), while positive sentiment among GOP voters rose from 83 percent to 87 percent.

We may look back at this week as the turning point in the crisis. Trump has been focused on the government’s response to the crisis and not so much on the opposition. This is what the American people want to see from him and it’s beginning to pay dividends.

As the fallout from government actions begins to affect the economy, people are understandably more concerned.

Compared to the poll conducted earlier this week, voters are 19 points more likely (63 percent to 44 percent) to say they’re “very concerned” about their local economy and 16 points more likely to say the same about the U.S. economy (71 percent to 55 percent).

All of this has increased voters’ fears about the spread of the virus, with 62 percent saying they were “very concerned,” up 16 points from the previous poll. A majority of voters — 55 percent — said coronavirus is “a severe health risk” in the United States, up 15 points from March 13-16.


Donald Trump had a very good week, not just in the polls but in doing what presidents are supposed to do in a crisis: lead. As the negative headlines multiply, Trump appears calm and in control. His rabid opponents might not like it, but that’s what people are responding to. The more hysterical they get, the more support the president receives—and the more the American people tune out those seeking to divide the country for political gain.


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