A zoo in Cairo has been accused of painting stripes on a donkey in order to pass it off as a zebra. The zoo denies the deception, but the picture clearly shows an animal with pointy ears and black smudges on its face.
الغباء وصل في البلد انهم جايبين حمار بلدي و مخططينه علي انه حمار وحشي و هكذا و من غبائهم نسوا يدهنوا الاسود تاني فا بهت…
Posted by Mahmoud A. Sarhan on Saturday, July 21, 2018
Cairo zoo visitor Mahmoud Sarhan posted the picture on Facebook, writing in Arabic, “The stupidity has reached in the country that they brought a local donkey and painted it to look like a zebra.”
The BBC reports that the pictures “quickly went viral, with experts weighing in on the species of the animal.” One vet told Extranews.tv that “the enclosure contained two animals and that both had been painted.”
As CBS News reports, this isn’t the first time a zoo has tried to hoodwink the public:
This is not the first time that a zoo has painted donkeys to look like zebras. In 2009, a zoo in Gaza did the same thing, saying that it could not procure real zebras due to an Israeli blockade.
“The first time we used paint but it didn’t look good,” the zoo’s proprietor told Reuters at the time. “The children don’t know, so they call them zebras and they are happy to see something new.”
In 2013, a Chinese zoo was criticized for trying to pass off a large dog as a lion. “The zoo is absolutely trying to cheat us,” one visitor told Chinese media. “They are trying to disguise dogs as lions.”
Another Gaza zoo put stuffed animals on display in 2012 because they couldn’t procure the real thing. (As we all know, Palestinians are experts at hoodwinking gullible people.)
Democrats running in November might want to take their cue from the Cairo zoo in developing a strategy to win their races.
You may not be able to change a leopard’s spots or a zebra’s stripes, but Democrats with toxic ideas can certainly paint themselves as moderates with the voters. Of course, this doesn’t change the fact that they’ve got asinine ideas, but maybe there will be enough gullible voters who believe that the stripes on the donkey are real and allow the Democrats to sweep to victory.
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