Former DNC Chief and VA Senate Candidate Tim Kaine Runs Away from Obama Bus Tour

One face that you won’t see traveling with the President today in his $1.1 million bus tour of Virigina: Tim Kaine, the Virginia Democratic Senatorial candidate and former Democratic National Committee Chairman.


Kaine is nowhere to be found at the President’s $1.1 million American Jobs Act bus tour meanders through the Virginia countryside.

Kaine was one of the first national Democrats to endorse Obama for the presidency in 2007.

One reason Kaine is MIA is that the President is immensely unpopular in Virginia, a major battleground state. Last month a Quinnipiac University poll shows 54 percent of registered voters in the state disapprove of how Obama is handling his job while 40 percent approve. Obama won the state in 2008.


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