We've Got Some Exciting Things Planned for the Upcoming Election Year. Will You Help Us by Joining PJ Media VIP?

Dear Loyal PJ Media Readers:

It’s been an exciting year here at PJM! In March, we were acquired by Salem Media and became part of the fabulous Townhall Media family. In November, we launched PJ Media VIP, offering an ad-free experience, premium content, and exclusive access to your favorite PJM contributors.


In our first month, thanks to the support of our loyal readers, we were able to spin up the Kruiser Kabana podcast as well as members-only video chats with PJM personalities like Steve Green (aka VodkaPundit), Stephen Kruiser, and others. Premium articles have included Stephen Green’s popular and insightful “Wargaming the Electoral College” series, and expert political commentary from Stephen Kruiser, Richard Fernandez, Charlie Martin, Stephen Green, Matt Margolis, Tyler O’Neil, Jim Treacher, Megan Fox, and Robert Spencer.

And because our VIP section is supported by our readers, we’re not dependent on ad revenue or the whims of left-wing social media companies. We’re free to write what we want without fear of censorship — to write about the topics you care most about.

We’ve been having a blast doing it, and we’re just getting started.

We have lots of exciting things planned for the coming election year, including adding more podcasts, exclusive chats, interviews, and in-depth investigations, but we need your help to make that happen.


By joining PJ Media VIP, you’ll not only have access to our premium content, you’ll also be helping us to further our mission of promoting liberty and preserving our culture — doing your part to make the United States a place where our kids and grandkids can be safe and thrive. As our opponents continue their relentless attacks on all that we hold dear, we promise to stay in this fight, calling out the left and their fellow travelers in the mainstream media—and holding them accountable. With your help, we’ll win this fight. Join PJ Media VIP today.


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