Rio Headline of the Day: Mugger Shot with Own Gun by Russian Diplomat Near Torch Relay

(Kyodo) ==Kyodo

Russians didn’t even have to kill people in Sochi, as far as we know.

The eve of the Olympics in Rio witnessed a dramatic fatal shooting on Thursday after the Russian vice-consul killed an armed mugger just after the torch relay had passed by.

Marcos Cesar Feres Braga, a Brazilian lawyer who works at the Russian consulate, was said by police to have grabbed an assailant’s gun and shot him dead at point-blank range.

The would-be mugger, on a motorbike with another man, struck as Mr Braga was sitting in his car waiting for traffic to move after the Olympic torch passed by on Avenida das Americas, not far from the Olympic Park and athletes village.

The attacker was said to have smashed the window of his BMW X6 and pointed a gun at him, demanding he hand over his watch.


Come for the Zika, stay for the gunfire!

Rarely does an Olympics venue gear up by racking up a body count but, hey, when in Rio. Autopsy should probably be a medal sport this year. NBC is probably hoping Bob Costas gets pink eye again just to distract from all of the extracurricular activity, which is likely to get worse once the games start.

As far as crime goes, Rio isn’t exactly the worse-case scenario. Remember, these games could have been in Chicago.


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