Parents and Students Protest Transgender Teacher With Huge Fake Breasts

(Twitter video screenshot)

Oakville Trafalgar High School is located in a nice, upscale neighborhood in a suburb of Toronto. It was a quiet little town where nothing important ever happened.


That is, until “Kayla Lemieux” started the job of shop teacher at the school. It appears that Mr. Lemieux’s transformation into Kayla Lemieux included a set of the most outrageous fake breasts available.

Naturally, the fake breasts — $1,000 online — are not serious medical prosthetics. There is no reason for Lemieux to wear overtly sexual clothing — tight-fitting sweaters and shorts — except to attract the attention and sexually arouse the underage boys in Lemieux’s classes.

So why does the Halton District School Board tolerate it?

The school board released a statement last week full of woke doubletalk.

Toronto Star:

In a statement released last week, HDSB director of education Curtis Ennis said the board recognizes the rights of students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to equitable treatment without discrimination based upon gender identity and gender expression.

“I have no problem with transgender, but there’s a limit on how far you can go. Kids don’t need to see this,” said Liza Cowell who joined the protesters gathered outside the Devon Road school Friday (Sept. 23) afternoon.

“Students who dressed like that wouldn’t be allowed in (school), and they’d probably get booted out of school. It’s gone too far, way too far. I don’t have a problem if they want to transition, but not this way, not at a school. I am not a parent, but this is not the world I want to see my great nieces and nephews grow up in.”


The Canadian government waited a week while the controversy exploded across Canada and then talked about changing the dress code.

On Friday morning, Education Minister Stephen Lecce wrote a letter to the Ontario College of Teachers raising this issue from a professional standards point of view.

“In this province, in our schools, we celebrate our differences and we also believe that there must be the highest standards of professionalism when in front of our kids,” Lecce told reporters Friday.

“And on that basis, I’ve asked the Ontario College of Teachers to review and to consider strengthening those provisions with respect to professional conduct, which we think would be in the interest of all kids in Ontario.”

The woke school board and the woke government, and the woke school administration are all clamming up about this outrageous transgression against decency. They really don’t believe Lemieux is exercising any recognizable right. They can’t. They all — presumably — have IQs above 100.


But this is the extent that fear has taken hold in academic communities across North America. The Ivory Tower is not only an escape from reality, it offers protection against what’s real as well. And despite the fact that anyone with two brain cells working knows that allowing this person to arouse and titillate young boys is wrong morally and professionally, Lemieux will be allowed to continue the charade until someone in authority has the guts to stop it.

Editor’s note: A previous version of this story identified the teacher as Stephen Hanna.


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