British Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Shared More Anti-Trump Fake Conspiracy Theories With the FBI

Christopher Steele (Victoria Jones/PA Wire)

British ex-spy Christopher Steele shared more fake conspiracy theories with the FBI than just his infamous Steele dossier (with the pee story in it). At least three Steele assertions went to the Crossfire Hurricane team. Every single one of them was — wait for it– was untrue.


The Washington Times explains that “The three allegations had to do with supposed Trump campaign cash from Moscow via Azerbaijan, a Russian intelligence officer, and a purported intervention by Russian President Vladimir Putin on the next secretary of state.”

The stories are described in Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz’s recent report on FBI misconduct.

Steele provided the FBI with the name of a Russian intelligence officer who was supposedly Carter Page’s handler. If true, this would — of course — lend credence to another claim Steele made about bribes in return for relief from U.S. sanctions for Russia.

However, the FBI admitted to Horowitz that “Steele’s allegations about the Russian national were investigated, but no information was uncovered to substantiate the allegations.” Of course, we all know now that Page was actually a source for the CIA.

At another point in time, Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson gave Justice Department official Bruce Ohr a thumb drive. On it was yet another dossier. This document, Horowitz’s report summarizes, “recounted that a senior official in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs had reported that a rumor was circulating that President-elect Trump’s delay in appointing a new Secretary of State was the result of an ‘intervention’ by Putin and the Kremlin, and that they had requested Trump appoint a ‘Russia-friendly’ figure who was prepared to lift sanctions against Russia.”


This statement also could not be verified by the FBI.

And then there is the allegation that Trump received “illicit campaign cash from an Azerbaijani family… Like the dossier, the Azerbaijani angle remains unverified. There is no hint of such payments in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and his team’s two years’ worth of FBI investigating any links between Trump, his allies and Russia.”

This information was given to Steele, not by a Russian source, but by “two longtime Hillary Clinton operatives and liberal former journalists, Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.” In other words, Democratic Party / Hillary Clinton operatives were directly involved in the attempt to make Trump look like a Russian stooge.

That is downright shocking because it shows just how far the Clinton cabal was willing to go to undermine then-candidate, now-President Trump. The worst part? They still continue playing this horrible game. It’s truly sick.

Follow me on Twitter: @GalienMichael.


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