Dana Loesch Destroys Michael Avenatti: 'You Can Go Shave Your Back Now'

Michael Avenatti (AP Photo/Amanda Lee Myers)

Infamous Trump critic Michael Avenatti made the mistake of his public life yesterday: he engaged in a Twitter war with conservative radio talker Dana Loesch (previously of the NRA and The Blaze). The end result was that he was blasted to smithereens while she was proudly standing tall — with the laptop equivalent of an AK47 in her hands.


It started with Loesch criticizing CNN’s Brian Stelter for accusing President Trump of making “war” on the press. She considered that a ridiculous accusation. After all, the media are engaged in a war on Trump. As Loesch explained (read the whole thread):

She then gave a few examples:

And one about Avenatti:


Avenatti didn’t appreciate that and answered Loesch:

Hilariously, Loesch then noted that Avenatti only found that because he searched for himself on Google using “po*n lawyer”:

Avenatti not only denied googling himself, but he also got personal:

And that was a terrible, no good, horrible mistake. Loesch lashed back. In grand style:

“No, and I’m disinclined to entertain criticism from an accused woman-beating grifter alleged to have tried to extort Nike, stolen from clients, and failed to pay his taxes,” Loesch wrote. “Sorry the feds confiscated your plane. You can go shave your back now.”

The only thing wrong with that response is that Loesch forgot to add that Avenatti was also sued “for allegedly siphoning away a $4 million settlement” his paraplegic former client had won. It would’ve been great if she could’ve worked that in there somewhere, somehow.


Having said that, this Twitter-war was a clear victory for Loesch. Avenatti tried, but he just can’t reach Loesch’s level. Heck, he doesn’t even get close.

The only sad part about all of this? Avenatti doesn’t even realize how bad the burn was. He actually tried it again with “are you going to give me tips based on how you shave yours?”

Lame, Michael. Just lame.


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