CUCKOO: Maxine Waters Says Trump 'Should Be Charged With Premeditated Murder'

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

On Wednesday evening, Rep. Maxine Waters appeared on The Reid Out with Joy Reid on MSNBC, where she made the bold claim that Trump should be charged with premeditated murder. Waters even launched a new conspiracy theory by alleging, without evidence, that Trump had “advance planning about the invasion” at the Capitol.


“What’s so interesting about all of this is they tried to make themselves the victim when indeed they are following the president of the United States of America who had advance planning about the invasion that took place in our Capitol. Even there’s information that some of the planning came out of individuals working in this campaign,” Waters claimed. “As a matter of fact, he absolutely should be charged with premeditated murder because of the lives that were lost with this invasion, with this insurrection.”

Joy Reid didn’t even challenge Waters’ absurd claim. Trump’s campaign was, of course, involved with the rally at Freedom Plaza, which was a 26-minute walk from the U.S. Capitol, but there’s zero evidence that the campaign was in any way connected to the pre-planned violence.

“So yes, we are threatened, but we can’t back up,” Waters continued. “We’ve got to fight as hard as we can to see to it that there’s some justice. For the president of the United States to sit and watch the invasion and the insurrection and not say a word because he knew that he had absolutely initiated it, and as some of them said, ‘he invited us to come. We’re here at the invitation of the president of the United States.’”

Once again, Maxine Waters is just making up stories as she speaks. According to her, Trump “sat and watched” the riot at the Capitol even though he was actually still giving his speech when the riot began, and there is literally nothing he said during his speech that could be considered “inciting” the riot, unless you count that part where he said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”


But that wouldn’t make much sense now, would it?


Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter, GabFacebook, MeWeHeroesRumble, and CloutHub.

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