PETA Sides with Vapers Against FDA E-Cig Crackdown

The government wastes more than 12 billion a year of taxpayer dollars on animal-testing experiments such as jacking monkeys full of street drugs, ensuring gender equality for its animal-testing victims and inducing mice to stutter for the sake of science. And now with the FDA’s industry-killing e-cig “regulations,” the government could further extend its animal-abusing hand by requiring e-cig manufacturers to test the “safety” of e-cig products on animals.


People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says the FDA is encouraging e-cig manufactures to meet with the Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) to decide what or if animal testing would be “appropriate” to test e-cig products.

“The CTP will expect manufacturers to conduct animal tests in support of marketing applications,” said Joseph Manuppello, senior research associate for PETA. reports, “The FDA says testing and approval of e-cigarette equipment and the chemicals used in vaping is necessary to prevent misleading claims by tobacco product manufacturers, evaluate the ingredients of tobacco products and how they are made, as well as communicate their potential risks.”

E-cigarettes are not tobacco products. They are nicotine-delivery systems. Is Nicorette a tobacco product? No.

“It will help us catch up with changes in the marketplace, put into place rules that protect our kids and give adults information they need to make informed decisions,” said Sylvia Burwell, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, in a statement this month announcing the new regulations.

People have been making decisions about e-cigs just fine without the FDA’s involvement.


If we are talking strictly about safety and protecting adults, why would a government agency wipe out a tool people use to quit smoking? A 2015 study showed that e-cigs are 95% less dangerous than smoking tobacco.

The new FDA “regulations” would require a retroactive approval process for all products that have been on the market since 2007.  Estimates put the approval process at $2m-$10m per item, which would put most of the e-cig industry out of business.

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