A Boston public school is the latest to survey young teens — and some preteens — about their sexual “history.”
The 54-question survey asks 6th- and 7th-graders everything from how much water they drink to how many sexual partners they’ve had. It also asks pre-teens if they have engaged in oral sex.
Some students, too young to understand the questions, went home to ask their parents, “What is oral sex?”
Why are schools around the nation asking kids intimate questions about their sexual history?
FACT-O-RAMA! Roughly 350 school officials were arrested in 2022 for sex crimes, 75% of which involved crimes with their own students.
Some parents were outraged by the “Youth Risk Behavior” survey, which the school principal assured parents — via email — was written for the safety and best interests of students at the Eliot K-8 Innovation School.
The allegedly anonymous survey also asks the pre-teens how much soda pop they drink, whether or not they are transgender, if they are taking diet pills, where they sleep, and whether or not they’ve considered suicide.
It appears parents had no idea the survey was coming.
“To go on field trips the district has parents sign permission slips, but for the district to ask our children private explicit sexual questions they are able to do so without consent,” a mother requesting anonymity told the Washington Free Beacon. “This makes no sense.”
Boston schools aren’t the first to ask salacious questions of their students. A Long Island school recently had a similar survey go out. Again, parents had no idea it was coming.
Related: Long Island High School Sent Students Explicit ‘Intimate’ Survey to Fill Out
Sixth-graders in Oregon were recently asked about their “gender ideology” in a survey. Another group of students was asked to write sexual fantasies, including the use of “toys.”
In 2021, a federally funded “woke” sex survey — for kids as young as K-4 — provoked outrage, causing many parents to opt their kids out of taking it.
Deirdre Hall, the mother of a 6th-grade female student, told the Free Beacon she had concerns about whether or not the survey was actually anonymous. She also expressed concern about her daughter and other children being exposed to lascivious ideals before the young students have had “a single ounce of sex education.”
Don’t forget, the 45 Goals of Communism, as entered into the U.S. Congressional record, include:
#2 Get control of the schools and teachers’ associations. Soften the curriculum.
#7 Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media.
#8 Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”
The groomers are out in full force. They are after our kids and grandchildren. Now is the time to stand up and be heard.
What can you do to stop the sexualization of kids? For starters, go to a school board meeting or — better yet — run for school board. Put yourself in a position to deny pornography in school libraries and to put a stop to surveys that sexualize innocent children.
You can also keep the flow of conservative news flowing. You’ll notice stories like this aren’t on the front page of the Communist News Network (CNN) website.
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