Biden Takes Victory Lap on 'Inflation Reduction Act' as Split Screen Shows 1,200-point Dow Drop

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Have you ever seen a football player spike a ball and dance around after a touchdown despite his team being down by 56 points? That’s what I was thinking as I watched what is left of our recession president attempt to take a lap of honor on his handling of the historic inflation he caused.


Joe Biden headlined the jollification on Tuesday as Democrat punchinellos pretended inflation isn’t driving hard-working Americans into the poorhouse.

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The biggest laugh of the day was watching Joe “allegedly showered with his daughter” Biden pretending 8.3% Bidenflation was a reason to open some bubbly, while next to him was a split screen showing the Dow’s largest drop during his presidency.

In what may be the defining moment of Biden’s “presidency,” we watched the Dow avalanche roughly 1,200 points (about 4%) and the rest of Wall Street crater like Hiroshima, as Joe Biden poured a bucket of Gatorade over his own head for passing his laughably named “Inflation Reduction Act.”


In a presidency full of nincompoopery, this may take the gold medal.

The frosting on this fecal cupcake was watching James Taylor regale the gathering with “Fire and Rain,” a song about suicide.

CNN took notice of the glorious spectacle and immediately cut away. I’m not sure if they did so because it was too painful for them to watch or if it was a feeble attempt to help President Brontosaurus celebrate because he is stuck in a tar pit.



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