E. Jean Carroll: 'Most People Think of Rape as Being Sexy'

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Look, I’m trying to give E. Jean Carroll the benefit of the doubt. I’m listening to what she has to say, and I’m taking it seriously. Not uncritically, but seriously. But the more she talks, the less I believe her. The more she reveals how her mind works, the less credible she is.


Last night she talked to Anderson Cooper. And it was pretty nuts:

Cooper: You don’t feel like a victim.
Carroll: I was not thrown on the ground and ravished. Which… the word “rape” carries so many sexual connotations. This was not sexual. It hurt…
Cooper: But I think most people think of rape as a, I mean, it is a violent assault, it is not a–
Carroll: I think most people think of rape as being sexy.
Cooper: [pause] Let’s take a short break–
Carroll: They think of the fantasies.
Cooper: We’re gonna take a quick break. If you can stick around, we can talk more on the other side.
Carroll: You’re fascinating to talk to.
Cooper: [nervous snicker]

What on earth was that? Anderson Cooper has every incentive to believe her, and yet she reduced him to sputtering incredulity. He could not cut to commercial quickly enough.

I don’t know about you, Dear Reader, but I don’t think of rape as being sexy. I don’t appreciate the accusation. Is that really what she thinks we think? Well, I suppose that contempt for ordinary Americans makes her perfect for CNN.


Carroll also told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota yesterday that she didn’t think accusing Donald Trump of sexual assault in her upcoming book would get much attention. Either this is a ridiculous lie, or it’s just further evidence that Carroll is disconnected from reality.

Not that Trump is handling this very well either. He said he couldn’t have assaulted Carroll because she’s not his type, which is not a great answer. But if he wants to get through this, he should encourage her to keep talking. If even MSNBC and CNN can’t help her push her story…

At least she’ll sell some more books, right?


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