Biden Decries the 'Sin' of the 'Abuse of Power'

Jim Lo Scalzo/Pool via AP

On Wednesday, Joe Biden hosted the national teacher of the year at a White House event. Naturally, he made a speech, which included one of the most audacious things he’s ever said.


“I got into politics, involved in politics because I think that the greatest sin that anyone can commit is the abuse of power,” he held forth. “Whatever that power is: the power of a teacher, the power of a doctor, the power of a leader — when someone is relying on you or you cannot … just the abuse of power.”

Interestingly enough, he used that line before — just last month, in fact. At a reception honoring the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, he attributed the sentiment to his father.

“My dad would say the greatest sin of all that anyone could commit was the abuse of power,” he said.

He also quoted his dad in an October 2016 appearance on Late Night With Seth Meyers, where he used his “abuse of power” line to criticize then-candidate Donald Trump and the sexual abuse allegations against him. Just a couple of weeks before, he appeared as himself on an episode of Law & Order: SVU, where he delivered that line.

And in April of that year, he delivered the chestnut in an appearance with, um, Lady Gaga.

“The worst sin a man or woman can commit is to abuse power,” he said. “Sexual assault and rape aren’t about sex; it’s about abuse of power.”


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It’s fascinating that in the past he’s used it in the context of sexual abuse and rape, but on Wednesday, he used it to refer to teachers and doctors.

These days, some teachers are convincing kids that they’re transgender and “affirming” that decision, often behind the backs of parents. Some doctors are prescribing puberty blockers and hormones to kids to help them “transition” and live the lie that they’re the opposite gender.

The Biden administration supports this abuse of power against parents. On March 31, a White House statement pointed out that “The Justice Department announced today that it has issued a letter to all state attorneys general reminding them of federal constitutional and statutory provisions that protect transgender youth against discrimination, including when those youth seek gender-affirming care.”

Biden supported Terry McAuliffe, the Democrat candidate for governor of Virginia, who said that parents had no right to interfere in their kids’ education — another educational abuse of power.

The Biden administration also put its trust in doctors and other health experts who pushed mask and vaccine mandates, taking away the medical freedom of millions for a time.

There are plenty of other examples: Biden’s use of executive orders, his stubborn insistence on “green energy” that leads to high gas prices, and his and Hunter Biden’s deals that traded on political influence for “10% for the big guy.”


It’s rich the way Biden talks about the abuse of power being a sin. Will it drive him to repent?

Speaking of power, the Biden administration, the mainstream media, and Big Tech want nothing more than to keep all the power for themselves. That’s why they employ opinion monitors disguised as “fact-checkers” to make sure that all most people read is The Narrative™.

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