
Is This the World's Most Unhinged 'Climate Change' TikTok Meltdown of All Time?

Twitter / Simon Ateba

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
— H.L. Mencken

Where is this “climate change” crazy train headed? Who cut the brakes, and why?

There are a lot of unhinged MSNBC-induced climate change meltdowns out there, and there’s also no shortage of hyperbole in the media. So one could be forgiven for assuming the title above is overblown.

But it’s not.

See for yourself.

WARNING: Some of the language in this video is NSFW.

This is what comes of hysterically predicting the demise of polar bears and threatening that the Eastern seaboard will soon be underwater while the technocrats buy sea-level mansions in Martha’s Vineyard.

Whether the individual in this video actually believes what he’s saying or what his ulterior motives might be is, on some level, insignificant because the thousands, or perhaps millions, of viewers who uncritically consume this content do believe it. Most of them are Zoomers, who at some point (and God help us when this occurs) are going to be handed the keys to civilization.

The more interesting question is: how many times did this individual rehearse this before he finally got it just right? And how many times did the unfortunate people on his street call the cops on their lunatic neighbor in the meantime to report that he was screaming into a phone for TikTok again?

What we’re witnessing is the controlled demolition of an entire population’s collective psychology into a pitiful, stultified pile of rubble. As a consequence, people become highly malleable.

It almost doesn’t matter what the purported permanent emergency is — climate change, COVID-19, cyber-attacks, nuclear strikes, whatever. The important element is the fear and panic — and, ultimately, compliance — that the fearmongering induces.

I have written previously at PJ Media, as have my colleagues, about a psychosocial phenomenon called mass psychosis.

Here’s how mRNA pioneer-turned-enemy-of-the-state-whistleblower Robert Malone explains the concept of mass psychosis:

When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things don’t make sense, we can’t understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.

If we have learned anything from the COVID-19 pandemic, it should be that the line between sanity and insanity is extremely thin. Western civilization is not a given, nor is it the natural state of things; rather it must be diligently cultivated and safeguarded by a vigilant citizenry that is able and willing to check government and corporate overreach and exercise self-governance in the face of its would-be rulers.

Unfortunately, this ability and willingness no longer exist, assuming they ever did, in a large swathe of the American public. Some of this deficiency might be chalked up to decadence due to decades of material comfort, as well as perhaps government propaganda disseminated through the public school system. The corporate state media is surely a major factor.

But, truth be told, at bottom, the responsibility for the state of things rests with the population itself, which has abandoned its basic survival instincts and handed decision-making authority over wholesale to the worst possible stewards of it.


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