When he’s not falling off of bicycles, yelling incoherently at reporters for asking basic questions, or getting handsy with colleagues’ children with impunity, it’s a safe bet that Joseph Biden, alleged U.S. president, is going to town on an ice cream cone.
Biden publicly consumes ice cream frequently enough, in fact, that his habit has become a meme.

His handlers ostensibly encourage the ice cream thing because they believe it makes him more relatable, so they regularly schedule photo ops for the press:
Some research, including from the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, indicates a prophylactic role for ice cream in dementia patients:
Epidemiological and clinical evidence has indicated that fermented dairy products have preventive effects against dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Recent preclinical studies have identified individual molecules generated during fermentation that are responsible for those preventive effects… Oleamide and dehydroergosterol identified from Camembert cheese induce microglia into the M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype, leading to neuroprotection.
(Other studies have associated sugar-laden ice cream, and dairy generally, with an increased risk of cognitive decline. One meta-analysis on the topic was inconclusive.)
Recommended: WATCH: Joe Biden Goes Full Creeper With Young Girl
But by all appearances, Biden already has advanced dementia, and so the ice cream prevention ship has likely sailed anyhow. We’ve moved on to the palliative state of care.
So perhaps more apropos to Biden — given the high-stakes, fast-paced nature of the U.S. presidency — the Alzheimer’s Association recommends that caregivers feed dementia patients ice cream as a means to calm them down and ease frustration when they get agitated:
Ice cream erases all the negative feelings related to the frustration and continues to stimulate pleasure receptors in the brain with every new scoop. And dementia (here is the best part!) allows one to fully enjoy the treat, with no concerns for calories, weight gain or dietary needs, completely guilt free! For people with dementia, ice cream is far more effective and safe than Prozac, or any other ‘happy’ drug on the market.
The ice cream probably complements nicely the stimulants that his handlers pump into his bloodstream before public events.
Ice cream might keep Uncle Joseph pacified, and hooray for him. But since it’s essentially straight sugar with no appreciable nutritional value, ice cream is also a major reason why half of America will be clinically obese by 2030 (assuming the Democrats’ wet dream of apocalyptic nuclear war with Russia hasn’t been realized before then).
One could argue that the moral leader of the country might not set the best example for America’s ballooning youth by so often stuffing his face-hole with ice cream on the rare occasions that his staffers release him from the basement for public exposure.