President Obama Lays a Wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

There are some inherent principles in America that do not change or falter, no matter who is president. Whether you’re a Trump supporter who is excited to have voted for your candidate, or a protester out in the streets, it is important to remember the men and women who fought for your rights to do those things. On this Veterans Day, please take some time to be thankful for what our defenders have done for us. We should also all strive to show more than just fleeting support for our vets on days like this; we need to think of ways we can turn our gratitude into action, because with so many veteran suicides, cases of trauma and of PTSD, military sexual assaults, failures at the VA, disabilities, injuries, and homelessness, we know we need to do more.


There are many excellent organizations that help veterans, but here are a couple that I know have a tremendous impact:

The United States Veterans Initiative and Operation Mend

Click to page 2 to see the video of President Obama laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. >>>


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