Credit: Washington Free Beacon
Thanks to all who entered our latest contest where you were asked to write a second tagline to the movie poster’s tagline which read, “The mission is a fraud.” Or, just caption the movie poster.
We had many hilarious and snarky taglines that were entered and the best of the best warranted honorable mentions. Then we had one big winner.
The Oscar for “Best Supporting Tagline on a Faux Movie Poster” goes to (drum roll) Kuce for:
“One Man Can Make a Difference – This is Not That Man”
(While Kuce gives his speech and a kiss-kiss to the world, we cut to commercial.)
Now, here are the rest of the best.
RockThisTown had two winners:
Saving Barack Obama: The mission is to save America . . . from him.
Saving Barack Obama: Two teleprompters at a time.
Aharris flashed back to “Jaws” with: We’re gonna need a bigger vote.
Zip Code told us how he sees it: An out of focus production with no direction filmed in Disneyland!
Then our Oscar winner Kuce is back on stage for three more bows:
“I’ll be Barack”
2016: A Spaced-out Odyssey
“Abandoned by his mother. Mocked by Republicans. Can he save himself in time to save his golf swing?”
You all crack me up! So here is a bonus round where you can caption what Karl Rove is going to say next about Hillary. Since brain damage is now out of the way he must have something colorful up his sleeve. Have fun, even though this is NOT an “official” contest. But see you next time a photo is worthy of an “official” Tatler photo caption contest.
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