Muslims, doing what they do best
Here we go again. In the wake of Sept. 11 — an atrocity wholly attributable to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which provided most of the hijackers and whose evil Wahabbist ideology offered the emotional and “religious” justification for mass murder — the Bush administration did almost everything wrong: attacking Iraq, trying to “nation-build” in Afghanistan, creating the ludicrous Department of Homeland Security and its idiot stepchild, the Transportation Security Administration, appointing a useless director of national intelligence, and establishing the Big Brother security state that Barack Hussein Obama is now exploiting to spy on the very people he is supposed to lead.
Deceptively running on an “I’m not Bush” platform, Obama has merrily presided over the third and now the fourth terms of the Bush administration — a cause in which he is happily joined by the likes of Arizona Senator John McCain and his mini-me from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, two of the charter members of the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Government that has been in power in the U.S. since 1988 and shows no signs of lessening its choke hold on the nation.
And now this. In a development rich with irony, the Winter Soldier himself, John “Mr. Eighteen Weeks” Kerry — who returned from Vietnam with almost as many medals as Audie Murphy, and in record time — has now declared that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against its Islamist rebels and thrown the latest hot potato over to his boss — who’s characteristically dithering. Still, with Obama’s proclaimed “red line” against the use of chemical weapons by the Bashar Assad government, and the cheerleading from the McCain side of the aisle, there seems little doubt that the U.S. is about to enter yet another war in the Middle East. What could go wrong?
How about this item in Forbes:
Moscow urged Washington on Sunday not to repeat “past mistakes” in the Middle East when dealing with the alleged use of chemical weapons by Syrian President Bashar Assad.Washington said Assad used it before. Russia said they did not.
Doctors Without Borders and Syrian opposition say that more than 300 people died after the alleged toxic gas attack in an eastern Damascus suburb on Wednesday, but Syrian authorities denied the claim.
Of course. Why make this black and white?
Meanwhile, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Sunday that President Barack Obama has told him to “prepare options for all contingencies” while the White House is deciding whether to use military force against Syria, according to various U.S. news agencies.
Shortly after that news broke, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the alleged chemical attack could have been a staged “provocation” by the Syrian opposition and that the U.S. might use it as a pretext to go after Syria.
“All of this makes one recall the events that happened 10 years ago, when, using false information about Iraqis having weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. bypassed the United Nations and started a scheme whose consequences are well known to everyone,” the ministry said in a web-posted statement.
There were never any weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq. And numerous reports by the U.K. and U.S. government at the U.N. were actually old information, some of it even plagiarized.
From Russia’s view, President Barack Obama is just another Middle East war-loving George W. Bush.
A senior Russian lawmaker said Sunday that Obama was a George W. “clone”.
“Obama is restlessly heading towards war in Syria like Bush was heading towards war in Iraq. Like in Iraq, this war would be illegitimate and Obama will become Bush’s clone,” said Alexei Pushkov of the international committee of the Russian lower house, according to Forbes.
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I spent a good deal of the period 1985-1991 behind the Iron Curtain, in East Germany, the East Bloc and in the Soviet Union itself. Nostalgic as I am for the good old days — when, unlike the Islamists, we had a worthy and interesting opponent in the Soviets and their client states, with the added bonus that the Communists were not a death cult, reveling in the joys of “martyrdom” — it seems utterly pointless for us to go to war with Syria over what is, in fact, an internal matter and none of our “humanitarian” business. Whether the Assad regime is killing its own people (and keep in mind that modern”Syria,” like the other “nations’ of the Middle East, is an imaginary state, dating from 1963, 1966, or 1970, depending on how you count, but a fully paid-up member of the ummah) with chemical weapons should not matter in the slightest to the West, strategically speaking, and one would think those on the Left who screamed about Chimpy McHitler would agree. Or even some on the Right. Alas, no.
But that was so then and this is so now. What’s completely clear — as it was to some of us from the beginning — is that the high “moral” dudgeon of the leftist protests against Bush were simply the means to the electoral end of installing their man in the White House. Obama never had the slightest intention of rolling back Bush’s mistakes; for him, they were not a bug of the presidency, but a compelling feature. Not for any foreign-policy reasons — with apparatchiks like Kerry at State, Samantha Power at the U.N. (when she deigns to show up) and the enlisted man, Chuck Hagel, at the Pentagon, this is the most incompetent administration since Jimmy Carter’s — but because the war-machine apparatus could just as easily be employed against the domestic population as well.

Out of the way, folks, we’re hunting a wounded teenager
Hello, NSA. Hello, IRS. We have always been at war with Eastasia, and for reasons of national security, you must surrender every last vestige of your privacy and your dignity. After all, we are keeping you “safe.”
And this is where the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Government comes in. Without useful idiots like the collaborator, John McCain, there would be no war in Syria. Without the Right’s fetishization of the military and the police — who must do what civilian authorities tell them to do, and if those duly elected authorities are leftists, tough luck — there would not only be no war in Syria, or Libya, or Iraq, or Afghanistan, there would be no war on the streets of our American cities. Indeed, it’s time to retire this whole idiotic “war on” trope — the War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, the War on Women, the War on Terror — and restore both the military and the civilian police to their rightful places in society: outwardly directed, against enemies both foreign and domestic, and not against Ham Sandwich Nation, where every day, we all either become criminals, or get treated like one.
But no. The Founding Fathers warned against “factions” — meaning political parties — but they never saw this coming: a grand union of factions, ostensibly in opposition but in reality in near-complete agreement about the nature and use of government power. Washington, D.C., was only established as the capital nine years after the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; prior to that, both Philadelphia and New York City had done time as the seat of the federal government. But thanks to unrelenting campaign of self-aggrandizement, and the natural tendency of any organism, including cancer cells, to self-protection and procreation, it is today united against its common enemy: We, the People.

Well, which is it?
Well, which is it? The People? Or the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Government? Freedom or “safety”?
And that really is all.
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