Go Woke, Go Broke: Disney Drastically Cuts the Price of Its Streaming Service

(AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

Did you ever imagine that there would be a day when the Disney brand would be so damaged that practically everything it touched failed? I know I didn’t. For a long time, Disney was synonymous with high-quality family entertainment. Back when summer blockbusters were a thing, you knew if Disney had a movie coming out, it was going to be worth a trip to the theater, no doubt about it.


Those days have gone bye-bye.

And the only one to blame for it is Disney. You see, at some point over the course of the last decade or so, Disney decided to swallow the woke agenda and start pushing messages filled with sexual perversion, normalization of drag queens and homosexuality, and all sorts of other garbage that Americans have grown sick and tired of having shoved down their throats. As a result, the content the company has produced over the last year has failed spectacularly.

I mean, we’re talking about a company that owns Marvel Studios, Star Wars, and the Indiana Jones franchise — among many, many others — and cannot score a hit to save its soul. How can you screw up so badly with this many amazing properties and characters, along with a basically endless budget and access to the best writers on the planet?

Easy. Capitulate to the woke progressive crybabies of the world and attempt to become a preacher of their sick and twisted ideology rather than focus on telling good stories that transcend race, sex, and creed.

Things have gotten so bad that according to Breitbart News, Disney is offering three months of its subscription service, Disney +, for $1.99 between now and September 20. Granted, this is for the membership tier that includes commercials, but still, that is an insanely cheap price for the service, which is already pretty affordable at $7.99 a month.


That’s how desperate the company is to make revenue and draw in subscribers. Despite having brand-new Marvel and Star Wars content, people are giving the service a hard pass. But as John Nolte writes for Breitbart, this is not going to save the company. Not by a long shot.

“Earlier this year, Disney’s stock was downgraded. This was when it was priced at $89. Last week, the stock hit a nine-year low. Earlier this week, the stock was downgraded again. Analysts no longer believe the price will return to $146. The upside is now $110, which I still find optimistic,” Nolte pointed out.

So what can Disney possibly do to recover?

Nolte rightly points out that if Disney wants to start seeing success on the silver screen and with its streaming service, all it has to do is go back to making good stories and content for children and families that is innocent and free of sexual perversion and identity politics. In other words, Make Disney Fun Again.

The kind of content that Disney used to produce was magical. The jokes were hilarious and the stories and characters endearing. Timeless, classic themes woven into the subtext of every film or television program helped to nurture future generations with lessons they would carry with them for a lifetime.


None of it was focused on identity politics or normalizing homosexual deviancy and cross-dressing. Instead, these movies presented values that every person should believe and put into practice. That’s the recipe for saving the company and re-establishing the brand.

Nolte finished his own critique of the company and their desperate new deal by saying, “P.S. I thought seriously about subscribing for $1.99 to Disney+ for a couple of months just to burn through the content I want to watch before canceling. Why not? But there’s nothing I want to watch. Disney sucks.”


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