The cultural-Marxist social justice warriors at the New York Times never stop, never sleep, never quit in their ongoing war against Judeo-Christian civilizational norms. Consider this piece by Bee Shapiro:
Would you be inclined to buy makeup because a 10-year-old boy is showing you how to create a look on Instagram? If we’re talking about Jack Bennett of @makeuupbyjack, then the answer could well be a resounding yes.
Since convincing his mother to start his account in May, young Mr. Bennett, who lives in Berkshire, England, has amassed 331,000 followers and attracted the attention of brands like MAC and NYX, which have offered products to create looks. Refinery29 has celebrated him as the next big thing in makeup.
He is the latest evidence of a seismic power shift in the beauty industry, which has thrust social media influencers to the top of the pecking order. Refreshingly, they come in all shapes, sizes, ages and, more recently, genders. Hailed by Marie Claire as the “beauty boys of Instagram,” the early male pioneers, like Patrick Simondac (@PatrickStarrr), Jeffree Star(@jeffreestar) and Manny Gutierrez, (@MannyMua733), have transcended niche to become juggernauts with millions of followers. And their aesthetic is decidedly new: neither old-school-rocker makeup nor drag queen.
Well, what is it, then? At the same time the MSM tosses around the word “pedophila” without the slightest idea what its definition actually is, the Newspaper of Record goes and runs a celebratory story like this: just have a look at the picture at the link of a ten-year-old boy. This is not only the sexualizing of children, it’s the homosexualizing of them, which is of course the point, given the Times‘s passionate and enthusiastic advocacy of all things gay.
Given the current Zeitgeist, however, here’s the troubling part:
And the men who are paying attention appear to be getting younger and younger. Jack Bennett is one of the youngest and sees his account as a way to “enjoy the artistic side of makeup.” Jake Warden, from Longmont, Colo., is 15 and has 2.1 million Instagram followers. MAC Cosmetics has paid him to feature its Studio Fix foundation. Alan Macias (473,000 followers) is 19. His favorite look is what he calls “boy glam, which is a boy, but a pretty boy.”
“That’s foundation, concealer, mascara, gloss and done,” he said.
Matthew Taylor, 16, with 180,000 Instagram followers, is optimistic that male beauty norms will continue to loosen, regardless of sexual orientation. “I do think that one day boys will be able to do whatever they want and not be judged,” he said.
There’s major cognitive and cultural dissonance here; that the Times either doesn’t see it or (more likely) doesn’t care, speaks poorly of the Gray Lady. Or should that be the Gray Boy Glam?
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