Gender Gap? What Gender Gap?

(Photo by Riccardo Savi/Sipa USA via AP)

Men vote GOP, women vote Democratic. Absent the 19th Amendment, the Democrats would never win a national election. But here we are. Or, rather, here we were:

Weeks of wall-to-wall media coverage of Donald Trump’s crude language and alleged misdeeds involving women don’t seem to have hurt his standing among female voters, the IBD/TIPP presidential tracking poll shows.

That’s not to say there isn’t a gender gap — there’s still a big one. But Trump’s support among women has improved 5 points in the past three days in the wake of the FBI’s stunning announcement that it is looking into a fresh batch of emails relating to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state.

As of Tuesday, 39% of women said they’re backing Trump, compared with 34% who supported Trump in Saturday’s tracking poll.

And as result, the thrice-married, acid-tongued Trump is doing just as well among women as squeaky-clean Mitt Romney was doing at this point in the Oct. 28, 2012, IBD/TIPP tracking poll, when Romney also got 39% of the female vote. (Hurricane Sandy interrupted daily updates to the tracking poll after that date.)


Yeah, but Hillary will make up the losses with inroads among the Pajama Boy male population, right?

On the other side of the gender gap, Trump gets 50% of the male vote, the same share as Romney. But Clinton is doing slightly worse among men than Obama was at this point in the 2012 race — she captures just 38% of men’s votes, compared with Obama’s 40%.

Okay, then — but surely there will be a huge negative impact on the GOP electorate by the #neverTrumpumpkins and their preenciples, led by John Kasich and what seems like half the staff of National Review. Hello?

Meanwhile, Trump’s supposed problem with Republicans isn’t showing up in the polls, either. While many prominent GOPers have refused to support his candidacy — Ohio Gov. John Kasich announced that he wrote in Sen. John McCain’s name when he voted early — Trump gets 87% support among likely Republican voters, compared with Romney’s 88%. Four percent of Republicans say they plan to vote for Clinton, which is identical to the share of Republicans who said they supported Obama in 2012.

What’s more, Trump is doing slightly better with independents than Romney — 48% support Trump vs. 46% who backed Romney. Trump is also doing far better among working class voters — 50% of whom back Trump vs 35% who supported Romney.



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