Twitter has made it impossible for anyone to get away with telling a bad joke, let alone thousands. James Gunn, the director of the popular Guardians of the Galaxy movies, was fired when thousands of perverted and obscene tweets surfaced showing his unhealthy obsession with child molestation and rape. He claims he was “joking.” Maybe. Maybe not. None of these make me laugh. How about you?
Unbelievably, there are people defending this sickness. “A creative industry requires artists like the ‘Guardians’ director who push boundaries, make (offensive) mistakes and evolve,” writes Hollywood Reporter columnist Marc Bernardin. Really? Creative people can’t make great movies unless they tell baby rape jokes? If that’s true, I don’t care if I ever see another “great movie” ever again.
Maybe if Hollywood stopped employing people who think raping children is funny we’d have entertainment that doesn’t make us cringe, like most of the terrible movies the industry keeps forcing on us do. We normies just want fun, family-friendly movies. We are sick to death of “pushing the envelope” which has long fallen off whatever cliff they were aiming for.
No one in Hollywood seems to get the message that normies don’t want to watch degenerate filth like Netflix showing us a 9-year-old masturbating. Pedophilia is clearly the next hurdle the left wants us all to jump over in their never-ending quest to erase all sexual boundaries and Hollywood is leading the way. Strangely, it’s always the guys who work on kids’ shows or in cartoons.
Dan Harmon, an Adult Swim cartoon guy and creator of “Rick and Morty,” made a “comedy” about raping babies. For real. I can only link to a blurred-out version of this “film” because Harmon is semi-nude while raping a baby doll. This is what the Hollywood Reporter would call “pushing boundaries.” The rest of us call it criminal.
Harmon can be heard on the video saying that what he’s about to do is “controversial” and “a little ground-breaking for normal people to handle.” Then he shows a clip of him raping a baby doll. “Tonight when I’m crawling in your window,” he whispers creepily, “I can count on you to sleep like a baby while I do everything but sleep with yours.” He says this while taking off his pants and pretending to rape a crying baby doll.
Raping babies is groundbreaking? Someone needs to explain to me why “groundbreaking” in Hollywood is synonymous with “felony.” Harmon apologized and expectedly, his network stood with him. “In 2009, I made a ‘pilot’ which strove to parody the series ‘Dexter’ and only succeeded in offending,” Harmon said in a statement given to Variety. “I quickly realized the content was way too distasteful and took the video down immediately. Nobody should ever have to see what you saw and for that, I sincerely apologize.”
Are we supposed to believe that a grown man doesn’t know that raping babies is “way too distasteful” before he acts it out? His employer apparently believes him. “At Adult Swim, we seek out and encourage creative freedom and look to push the envelope in many ways, particularly around comedy,” the statement reads. “The offensive content of Dan’s 2009 video that recently surfaced demonstrates poor judgement and does not reflect the type of content we seek out. Dan recognized his mistake at the time and has apologized. He understands there is no place for this type of content here at Adult Swim.”
There’s that “push the envelope” thing again. It’s their only excuse for inexcusable, disgusting behavior. I don’t know about you, but I want my envelope pushed way far away from the edge. We’ve gone from married adults like Lucy and Ricky not able to be seen sharing a bed, to people making pilots for Showtime about raping babies. I want to go back. I don’t have any desire to see or think about such sickness on my TV, do you? But Harmon still has a job making entertainment for you. A new video showing Harmon smiling creepily with a real baby, touching him in a car, has surfaced that is causing another round of concern. Don’t expect Adult Swim to care.
It’s not just Hollywood jumping on the pedo bandwagon. It seems our tech leaders are having similar obsessions. Ethereum’s cryptocurrency creator Vitalik Buterin was caught deleting a tweet he posted about legalizing child porn! “In a series of tweets, Buterin argued that ‘doing heroin imposes risks on others,’ while ‘simple possession of child porn does not,’ and declared, ‘I don’t see legalizing *possession* of child porn as more radical than heroin,'” reported Breitbart.
Is Buterin some kind of numbskull who doesn’t understand real children are harmed by the making of child porn or is he one of the sickos who thinks the abused children like it? Really, I want to know. (And perhaps the FBI should want to know too.)
Then there’s YouTube that took forever to delete a music video with lyrics that literally said “rape the baby” over and over with two idiots simulating sex with baby dolls to strange reggae music. WTF, YouTube? (But FYI, my videos of village board members behaving badly were demonetized, so you can sleep well tonight!)
Meanwhile, actual children are being raped and sold and exploited. But don’t worry, Ted Talks is busy bringing much-needed exposure to the sad plight of… pedophiles. Pedophiles are just like you and me! They can’t help their urges and it’s super sad they’ll never be sexually fulfilled and we need to learn to be tolerant of them.
There’s an awful lot of this pedo-excusing going on right now and parents better be on high alert and put up a big fuss every time one of these freaks is caught working with and around children (like Gunn at Disney). The damage that is done to children who are molested is immeasurable, but some effects are PTSD, self-harm, suicide, substance abuse and self-hatred. It is not a joke.
For a real look at the life of a child who was repeatedly molested and terrorized, read The Last Closet by Moira Greyland. It’s no laughing matter.
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