James Carville Loses It in Unhinged Anti-Trump Tirade

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Famed Democratic strategist James Carville has completely lost his mind. 

There’s really no other way to describe it. He may have been a smart guy, but he’s gone totally bonkers now. That’s not an exaggeration or hyperbole. He’s absolutely off his rocker.


During an appearance on Jen Psaki’s MSNBC show on Sunday, Carville unleashed an outlandish and paranoid tirade, filled with baseless accusations and bizarre comparisons, painting a dystopian picture of what a second Trump term would look like. Carville’s rant was so extreme, it’s surprising you didn’t see orderlies come and put a straitjacket on him.

He kicked things off with a wild claim: “I did not realize when I said that he would actually go on television and say, I’m gonna use the military to round up my political enemies.” 

Let that sink in. Carville is suggesting that Donald Trump, if re-elected, is actually planning to use the U.S. military to arrest people who oppose him, without any irony or self-awareness in light of the fact that the Biden-Harris administration has literally sought to put Trump in jail.

As if things couldn’t get any more absurd, Carville made the jaw-dropping statement that Trump is planning to hold a rally at Madison Square Garden to “mimic the Nazi rally of 10 February 1939.” 

Yes, you read that right. 

Carville is now literally comparing Trump campaign rallies to Nazi rallies. 

This is where Carville has gone completely off the rails. The comparison is not only historically inaccurate and offensive, but it shows just how far he’s willing to go in his fear-mongering.


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And Carville is still a respected voice on the left, so when he goes over the cuckoo’s nest, people on the left aren’t going to see what he’s saying as completely absurd; they’re going to believe it.

Carville’s hysteria didn’t stop there. He then invoked race, trying to scare young black men into believing they’d be targeted by Trump’s supposed military roundups: “If you’re a young black male and Trump-inspired army roundup of people, how well do you think you’re going to do in that?” 

And you thought Barack Obama’s rhetoric last week was bad.

This kind of rhetoric is beyond irresponsible—it’s dangerous. Carville is playing on people’s fears with no basis in reality, hoping to stir racial tension for political gain.

At one point, Carville seemed to realize how unhinged he sounded, but he doubled down: “This is not—we can be fact-checked by anybody. They have promised military roundup. They’ve promised the gates of hell will reign on the enemies.” 

Even Jen Psaki, who was sitting with Carville during the segment, didn't hesitate to fully endorse his wild claims. She simply nodded along and added, “Exactly. That is... exactly, people.” 


He knows it's not true but doesn't care. Why? There's only one reason he would make himself look bat guano crazy on national television like this. He's deliberately trying to scare people into voting for Kamala. He sees what's going on in the polls. He sees that nothing Kamala Harris has done in the past few weeks has closed the sale with American voters. He's playing the fear card because he sees the writing on the wall—Kamala Harris is losing. Instead of offering serious political analysis, he’s resorting to scare tactics in a last-ditch effort to terrify voters into supporting her. It’s a sad reflection of how far he’s fallen from his days as a real power player in Democratic politics.


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