Seriously? Democrats Are Flipping Out Over Cat Memes.

Matt Margolis/Grok

By now, you’ve likely heard about the influx of Haitian migrants overwhelming the town of Springfield, Ohio, after tens of thousands relocated there. It's becoming a major problem for Democrats and Kamala Harris because of how damaging it is for their immigration narrative. According to some reports, the newcomers' culture is running afoul of American mores and laws. Reports have surfaced — many of which are disputed — that these migrants are butchering local geese and ducks, and even pets like cats and dogs. I can't verify whether these reports are true or not. Local law enforcement says they're not, but who knows?


But the memes are epic.

Naturally, the left is furious. Over at CNN, they declared the memes are racist.


But the best reaction comes from Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.).

"What in the hell is this?" he asked during a House hearing, pointing to — I kid you not — a pro-Trump cat meme posted by the House Judiciary GOP account on X. "The chairman tweets 'Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!' because he goes some down — goes down some crazy rabbit hole, completely debunked, that aliens are eating pets? My god. Are you okay, Mr. Chairman?"

Swalwell did not audibly pass gas during his rant, but I suspect he may have soiled himself.

"Because last year, for a very long time, you tweeted and promoted Kanye West as he was calling for genocide against the Jews, and you kept it up," Swalwell continued. "And now, when we have victims coming here, you're tweeting this nonsense. I — I don't know why you would do this. I hope you're okay. I don't know if the, the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now, but, Mr. Chairman, this is a serious issue. These people have loved ones who have been lost, and you tweeted this."

Related: This Revelation About Kamala’s Policy Page Is So Embarrassing!


Let's be honest here: the left wouldn't be freaking out over cat memes if they weren't incredibly concerned about the damaging narrative that the memes reinforce. Remember, these are the same people who push debunked lies endlessly and feel justified in doing so if the lies make Trump look bad. Now, less than two months before an election, a damaging narrative about immigrants being dumped in an Ohio town is a major, major liability for the Biden-Harris administration, regardless of whether the claim about them eating cats is true or not.

That's what Democrats are really upset about.


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