This Revelation About Kamala’s Policy Page Is So Embarrassing!

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

On Monday, Kamala Harris's campaign finally unveiled an "Issues" page on its website, which includes a plan to provide illegal immigrants with a pathway to citizenship. But the real question is, why did it take so long for her campaign to release any details about its platform? The answer is clear: they’ve been trying to keep a low profile, hoping to slip by until Election Day without revealing much about what she truly stands for.


However, the bigger story is that Harris’s campaign didn't just take its time — it lifted key policies from President Joe Biden’s campaign website. Harris's campaign simply copied and pasted them into its own “issues” page.

Harris's policy page itself wasn't even that great or detailed to begin with because the content was padded with exaggerated claims about her backstory, including a misleading picture of her upbringing. It's also loaded with attacks on Trump — a whopping 29 mentions of him. But this latest revelation is far more embarrassing.

On Monday, the left-leaning New Republic revealed that large sections of Kamala Harris’s policy platform were simply copied from Biden’s website, even featuring language supporting his re-election. The article, "Embarrassing Copy-Paste Plagues Harris's Launch of Policy Platform," called attention to the glaring oversight.

Shortly after Kamala Harris released her policy agenda on Sunday evening, users on X spotted something in the metadata: Much of the language appears to have been lifted from Joe Biden’s campaign website. 

On Sunday night, X user Corinne Green pointed out that the issues section of Harris’s website contained metadata with language urging voters to reelect Joe Biden. This language was visible when links to the campaign site were shared, and in the website’s description on Google searches.


"All of this creates the impression that at least some of the Harris campaign’s policy language was copied and pasted from Biden’s documents," writes Hafiz Rashid of The New Republic. "That would be an embarrassing miscue from the Harris campaign, which partly came into being because of a perception that a refresh was needed to garner enthusiasm in the Democratic Party. It doesn’t help that the section on her website about her Israel-Palestine policy seems very similar to what Biden’s campaign was saying."

Related: WOW! Even CNN Thinks Kamala Harris’s Record Is Extreme

This is particularly embarrassing considering that Kamala Harris is pitching her potential presidency as "a new way forward."

"Harris’s policy platform should be giving the public a view of the detailed plans her administration hopes to implement if she and Tim Walz win in November," Rashid explains. "The last thing her campaign needs is an embarrassing misstep, and while this one is relatively small, she’ll need to reassure voters on the fence that her campaign isn’t a retread of Biden’s with a new face."


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