
Is There Anything Genuine About Kamala Harris?

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

If there’s anything that Kamala Harris has proven over these past few weeks, it’s that we can't trust her, plain and simple. She’s shown time and again that there’s nothing she won’t change about herself to fool people into voting for her — most notably flip-flopping her policy positions. It’s not going to work. 

Since taking Joe Biden’s place at the top of the Democratic ticket, Harris has flipped on key issues in the hopes of becoming more palatable to independent voters and improving her chances in key swing states.

As we’ve covered here at PJ Media before, when she ran for president in 2020, she was all about pandering to the far-left environmentalists in the Democratic Party and wholly endorsed banning fracking. “There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” she said unequivocally. Now that she needs to win energy-producing states like Pennsylvania, she’s claiming she doesn’t support fracking.

Harris has also been a strong supporter of electric vehicle mandates. But today, her campaign is denying that she supports such a mandate, likely because they know it won’t play well in Michigan — another must-win state for her.

It's like she’s flip-flopped on every single controversial policy position she’s ever taken. She’s distanced herself from her support for defunding the police and is trying to reinvent herself as a border hawk. Despite these flip-flops, Harris insists her “values haven’t changed.”

But perhaps the most revealing aspect of Harris’s inauthenticity is her habit of adopting different accents to pander to different audiences. During a recent visit to Detroit, cameras captured Harris speaking with an exaggerated urban accent, which was a far cry from her usual polished tone.

Social media lit up with accusations of pandering and rightly so. This wasn’t the first time, either. In Atlanta, she tried out a Southern drawl.

It’s all part of her effort to be whatever her audience wants her to be, no matter how phony it comes across. We’ve seen this kind of desperate pandering before, and we know it doesn’t work. 

Just ask Hillary Clinton. During her 2016 campaign, she flip-flopped on key positions and adopted different accents on the campaign trail as well.

Harris is every bit as phony as Clinton but with far less intelligence to back it up. Kamala’s blatant attempts at pandering are painfully transparent and amateurish by comparison. She went from leaning on her Indian heritage when she was elected to the Senate to leaning more on her black heritage when she set her sights on higher office. Whether she’s changing her accent to suit the crowd or flip-flopping on critical issues, she tries to align with what the polls tell her she needs to support.

Remember, Clinton, despite being smarter than Kamala and having more political experience, couldn’t shake the widespread perception of her lack of authenticity — a flaw that ultimately cost her the presidency.

Hillary’s lack of likability and authenticity proved to be her Achilles' heel, as voters gravitated toward Donald Trump, who, despite his flaws, came across as more genuine and straightforward. In the end, Hillary’s smarts couldn’t overcome the trust deficit, and she lost to a candidate who capitalized on the very weaknesses she couldn't overcome. Does anyone really think Kamala has what it takes to do better?

Hillary plotted her path to the presidency for years if not decades. Harris may have been waiting for her moment, but she only started trying to move to the center weeks ago. She doesn't have what it takes to pull it off.


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