
No One Can Claim That Kamala Harris Hasn't 'Evolved' on the Issues

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

As soon as Kamala Harris became the presumptive nominee for the Democratic Party, she ran toward the center, promptly disavowing her past positions faster than you can say "palace coup." Republicans were quick to note that Kamala was flip-flopping, while her defenders jumped in to claim she had merely "evolved" on the issues, and that this was a good thing. But they're wrong.

Earlier this month, Josh Shapiro, then the top contender to be Harris's running mate, had to distance himself from his past positions on peace in Israel. In his 20s, he wrote that peace "is not possible," but today he supports a two-state solution. 

“I was 20,” he said. “I have said for years, years before October 7, that I favor a two-state solution — Israelis and Palestinians living peacefully side-by-side, being able to determine their own futures and their own destiny.”

That's believable. How many people can say they hold the exact same positions at 51 years old as they did when they were 20?

But that's not the same thing that Harris has done. In the few short weeks she's been on top of the Democratic Party ticket, we've been told to believe that she now opposes defunding the police, is tough on crime, supports fracking, opposes mandatory gun buyback programs, no longer supports Medicare-For-All, supports border security, and opposes abolishing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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This is not evolving on a few positions over time; this is a blatant attempt to redefine herself before an election. While I don't doubt that Kamala's positions on certain issues have changed from when she was 20 years old, it's another thing entirely to claim that she suddenly had an epiphany on a large variety of positions that she took when she previously ran for president four years ago.

And she thinks voters are really that stupid to believe her. She thinks voters don't understand the difference between a politician who grows and evolves in their thinking and one who changes positions as a matter of convenience. Harris’s flip-flopping is less about adapting to new information or changing circumstances and more about crafting a narrative that she thinks will win votes.

This strategy has worked in the past, and she thinks it will work for her. But there's no doubt that she's doing what Democrats always do: run to the center with the intention of governing from the far left.

Remember, both Barack Obama and Joe Biden campaigned on promises of unity, portraying themselves as leaders who would bring Americans together across the political spectrum. However, once in office, both governed from the far left, pushing through policies that reflected the most radical elements of the Democratic Party's agenda.


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