
Democrats Are the Ones Politicizing Trump’s Visit to Arlington National Cemetery

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Former President Donald Trump's visit to Arlington National Cemetery on August 26 was a poignant gesture meant to honor the 13 servicemembers killed in the disastrous Abbey Gate terrorist bombing during Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Kamala Harris has said that she was “the last person in the room” with Joe Biden when they made the decision to withdraw from Afghanistan, yet she failed to show the fallen soldiers or their families the respect they deserve. On the other hand, Gold Star families invited Trump to pay his respects.

Instead of stepping up and doing what any decent leader should, Biden was on another vacation, and Harris certainly wasn’t going to make an appearance. Thus, it was on Trump to show the compassion and respect these grieving families deserve.

And the left just couldn’t handle it. True to form, the left couldn’t resist the opportunity to scandalize Trump’s visit, spinning up a story about an alleged altercation with Trump’s staff at Arlington, which the families present immediately debunked.

“We would like to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to President Donald J. Trump for his presence at the recent Section 60 gathering, honoring our children and their fallen brothers and sisters,” the families said in a joint statement. “On the three-year anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing, the president and his team conducted themselves with nothing but the utmost respect and dignity for all of our service members, especially our beloved children.”

That hasn’t stopped the mainstream media from reporting on the alleged incident as if were true. Facts never matter when there’s a chance to smear Trump. 

Naturally, Harris decided to add fuel to the fire. She took to X to condemn Trump, accusing him of politicizing Arlington. She invoked the debunked "suckers and losers" hoax, repeating the same tired lies in a transparent attempt to paint Trump as someone who disrespects the military. 

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In the years since the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden and Harris have done everything they can to pretend that it never happened. Yet Harris is guilty of what she accuses Trump of doing: politicizing his visit to Arlington National Cemetery. The Gold Star families invited Trump, which triggered Harris and her allies because they don't want the public to remember that Biden and Harris are not only responsible for the deaths of 13 U.S. servicemembers but also for the fall of Afghanistan, which is now under the control of the Taliban.

This isn’t just hypocrisy; it’s an attempt to cover up her own failures. Instead of owning up to the mistakes that led to the deaths of these servicemembers and the fall of Afghanistan, she’s trying to deflect and distract by scandalizing the visit and attacking Trump. That is shameless. 


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