
A 'Team of Rivals' Trump Administration?

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump was a big deal. Not only did it suck all the air out of the mainstream media's post-convention coverage of Kamala's speech, it reset the presidential election once again. Democrats are panicking as they know that it will likely boost Trump in the battleground states. But, this could be bigger than helping Trump win the election. 

Rumors of Kennedy's departure from the race have been floating around for weeks. And, it seems likely that Kennedy may get a position in the second Trump administration, giving him a real opportunity to affect change in some key issues that he believes in that align with Trump's vision. Kennedy says he wants to make American healthy again, and that's a powerful message that can unite the country. 

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It also tells us that Trump has a real opportunity to do something historic, following in the footsteps of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln famously appointed several of his political opponents to key positions in his cabinet during his presidency, bringing together a diverse group of leaders with different viewpoints, and harnessing the strengths and perspectives of his rivals, ultimately helping him navigate the nation's most challenging crisis.

America is undoubtedly extremely divided today, and such an approach might be just what we need to get our government working for us again. If it sounds impossible, I would normally say I agree with you. The first Trump administration was plagued by leaks due to people within his administration actively trying to undermine him. I highly doubt that of the few Democrats that would join a second Trump administration there are many whom Trump would trust. A "team of rivals" cabinet would be a challenge for Trump to assemble while simultaneously allowing Trump to feel confident that his efforts to repair the damage done to this country won't be undermined.

Robert F. Kennedy most likely will get to play a role in the second Trump administration, and I suspect former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard would as well. Could Trump bring Nikki Haley back? There are worse ideas.

Who else?

Well, on Sunday, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.), who challenged Joe Biden in the rigged primaries earlier this year, indicated that he would serve in a Republican administration.

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"If there is a way to serve my country in a Democratic administration — in a Republican administration — my goodness, we should all stand up and accept that invitation whenever it is issued," he told Fox News Digital. "So, you never know."

Would he serve in a Trump administration? Who knows? Would Trump even invite him to serve in his administration? Beats me. There are certainly plenty of Republicans Trump wouldn't even let near his administration. But, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. did indeed tease that there will be other additions to "Trump's Unity Government."

And it may be what the country needs.


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